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"I don't know." says slowly the girl, her eyebrows furrowing in the gloom. Paris lifts himself on his forearms, his eyes waiting to discover yet so many things.

"When were you happy for the last time?" asks Paris softly and Juliette is glad because anything louder would make her crumble. Despite it, the words hit her. She shakes her head. It is so silly. She is telling her secrets to someone so unknown. Her instincts ought to shout at her, but they are not. As if Fate has stopped them. Maybe it is a curse. Curse of not being able to touch him. Because she truly cannot. So many tears have been sacrificed for her to throw them away now. To forget them. Nevertheless, she still knows that Paris is not a curse and Juliette despises herself for not being able to hide from him. Because it is too easy to let herself get lost in him. By that cursed gaze, she would let him let her drown in the river Pouss. Juliette couldn't bear the way he watches her, as if she is a mystery that he waits to be revealed. Or how his words yet so easily rewrite her thoughts. She cannot help but to wish to give him something exciting. Something quite extraordinary. If only he watches her that way only a little longer. She only wishes for him to be close and whisper silly stories into her ear.

All of the weight of the world fell on her shoulders. Juliette felt too young to cope with something like that and yet old to be thinking about. And that tear is unstoppable, how it slides down her cheek, to her ear and darkens the dry concrete. She tries to stop it. Nevertheless, it is as if she is standing opposite a floodgate on a big river. She is drowning. She tries to hold it in, but sometimes we cannot help but be afraid.

"Hey." Paris panickily looks at her. Juliette shakes her head and tries to make the salty blood of her sadness, not wanting to show her vulnerability. Her weakness. His hand is so close to her face. Yet he never tries to touch her.

"I waited all night to see where the sun would rise," says Paris and the girl looks up at him with tears in her eyes. The boy gulps, yet he smiles.

"And then it dawned on me."

Juliette watches him with furrowed eyebrows. Paris looks back at her. And she snorts.


"I am making you laugh."

Juliette wipes away the tears and smiles through the hurt. Paris thinks a bit, turns to her and the clouds behind him floating on the sky just as halos does behind the heads of angels.

"How do you know if a vampire is sick?"

Juliette bites her lip and shrugs.

"By how much he is coffin."

Juliette shakes her head with eyes full of laughter that Paris is the culprit of. An she is grateful to him. How patient he is with her, how he makes her laugh, Fate she is glad for those questions too.

"Those are silly!" Juliette laughs hysterically and covers her face with her hands.

"Made you laugh." Paris smiles crookedly and laughs hard as well. So hard, that he nearly fell on her. Which they start to laugh at too until their stomachs hurt and the tears of ridiculous happiness filling their eyes. He traps her in his gaze and between his arms. And Juliette doesn't mind that they are laughing so close to each other. Because it seems as if they are sharing a small fraction of happiness, her heart skips a beat and it is just as light as a leave in the breeze above the snowy peaks of Wolfs Fur. Paris looks into her eyes, no words in his. No words, but poems.

Their lips are so close. She feels his hot breath on her lips. It is just as soft as a spring breeze. Juliette sees every imperfection and perfection on his face, and she wonders if that is what beauty is made of. She is glad that she sees by her heart rather than eyes because she would never see Paris's beauty. He smells after trees, sweet sap and fresh air between the clouds. He makes her feel as a feather on the wings of angels.

"I meant it." he says huskily, his eyes on her lips. It is so strange, how his eyes are dangerous. They tempt so many sins. They make her do things she never dared to think that she would want, or have.

"Your eyes remind me of spring fog, you know? You really are beautiful."

He takes her breath away. And all that Juliette can do is pray to the stars, all the worlds, cruel Fate to spare her.

"I meant it too... "


The fields were calm, and the wind slow danced with the golden carpet. The dusty path was long and straight, disappearing in the shadows of mountains, that were filled with caves that Juliette needed to find. They heard a playful ode of the laughing breeze, and the girl imagined the breeze like a transparent helper of Fate with a laughing face and a happy howl. Romeo was wildly running in the fields and sometimes he adorably turned around. To find out if the girl was still there.

Those fields... the magic they ruled with would fascinate Paris. The girl remembers how he told her about the first time he drunk what she supposed was mead. She did not know what a car or a beret meant, but something about the way his ink eyes sparkled... as if from those shadows, stars winked at the girl. It amused her when she told him about her filink. He told her that he always wanted a pet. When he explained what it means on Earth, she told him that in Amichemin they do not buy or adopt animals. If in Amichemin an animal chooses you, it means you are very special. And she also remembers how he told her that her eyes remind him of spring mist.

Juliette dreamt about Paris for days too. How could she not? When everything she could think about these days, these nights... was him? He was like a darkness in the light, shadow in the midday sun. He nothing in everything and she gladly welcomed it. She imagined what it would be like if she met him here. In Amichemin. His face would not be scarless like now, but his eyes would never change. They would always follow her in the darkness, light, and shadows. His bronze skin would be whipped by the wind and his cheek would be marked by a scar made by the rings that the royals wear.

But he would always be on her mind. She would never not think about him, because now she did not remember the times that she did not. She was feeling foolish, yet free. She saw darkness. The fear, anger, and sadness... everything, that took the sparkle from the eyes of her Paris would worsen in Amichemin.

Her Paris...

The girl reddened and cleared her throat, though no one saw her, no one heard her thoughts. Romeo curiously ran up to her, but she only scratched him behind his ears, and he started to run like a pup in the field again. Juliette watched him with a smile until the thought ambushed her.

What if they met on the street in the middle of rain on Earth? What if they were both people? What if Juliette had a family? Dreams? Freedom?

She quickly silenced the creeping hope and shook away those thoughts. She looked behind the horizon of the mountains. The red palette of colours fell on the sky marked with sunset and shadows reached out to darkness. She ought to concentrate no. Because in a few days she will be there. Just a few days and she will fix everything.


Oh, aren't they lovely? Their Fate is waiting for them just as much as me for next chapter on THURSDAY.

Don't forget to comment, vote, follow, retweet... whatever just dream on, Loves. :)


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