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She didn't have to tell him twice. And as everything she says, it's poetic again. He stands next to her. Her hair flies around her face. Paris smells her sweet scent. Sweeter than any nectar in the meadow. She is small, but it always surprises Paris how big her eyes can get when they are filled with hope. She looks at him over her shoulder and reaches out with her hands in front of her, her fingers playing with the air full of pollen.

"Imagine what you want to do. How will it feel on your fingertips? How beautiful you want it to be. Imagine the fire in you and give the fantasy a little bit of a sparkle." the eyes of the girl somehow light up with wonder. Paris never saw her so passionate. Her smile was small, yet it could never make the pure happiness go away. Paris mimics her and looks at the azure sky. He watches the clouds peacefully sailing and the sun blazing in their faces. It's a typical spring with warm wind and with wild groves. But one part of spring is missing, Paris realises. And smiles.

Juliette lifts her hand to her cheek and wipes the drop away.


Clouds tear and rain falls on their peaceful meadow. The sun and untamedly falling drops drown them in the feeling of bliss. Juliette breathes in sharply and laughs. She leans her head back and exposes her face to the rain. Paris watched how the strands of her hair got slowly wet and how the drops of spring rain that he created fell down her cheeks. The girl straightened up and looked at him, the strands of her hair instantly sticking to her temples.

"You did it!" she screams excitedly. She is so close; Paris can smell her sweetness through the rain. She steps away. Paris fights the urge to pull her to him. But she only bends to pluck a flower and comes back to him. Paris feels her finger in his hair when she carefully tucks the flower between his curls. His wet hair falls in his eyes, but even with closed eyes, he can see her smile.

"That is your reward." she says softly. Like his reward wasn't her damn smile. She does this all the time. Though she is alert, though she is scared of him sometimes, she would never hurt him, even if he would spit that he was her worse enemy in her face. Paris kind of wanted for her to punch the enemy, but the fact that Juliette will never leave him even in the middle of rain or storm, calmed him more than it should. But he was kind of glad.

"Beautiful." Juliette adds and bites hr lip, the smile breaking through the surface. Pars laughs. It seems so weird. The drops were so cold, but he never felt that way. He isn't cold. Not, when she is here. Not when this is their dream.

"You know, in my world girl usually don't tell dudes that they are beautiful." notes Paris and Juliette looks at him with wide eyes.

"That is not very nice." she frowns.

"You are so weird." Paris smiles and shakes his head.

"In a good way?"

"Always in a good way." he nods. Juliette nods back in approval and starts to hum something under her breath while she walks in the wet grass in front of Paris.

"You are in a really good mood today. Why?" asks Paris amused, watching her how she pushes the droplets from the leaves gently.

"Why not? Tomorrow I am going to meet an old friend and I am dreaming with a friend. My dreams are far more interesting when there is an earthling in them. As if you didn't already know that, Love."

Even though her words aren't the most beautiful the softness with which she has said it was. For once Paris can't bear looking at her. Because Juliette is one of those seeing beauty in hurts. Mainly because Paris has so dangerously started to see with his heart. Mainly, when he realised that he couldn't ever have her the way he wants. 


"Blank, smooth paper. It's waiting. Ocean of pages. And she fills them all. Every corner. Every line. With her shy smiles, her sweet scent, her infinite kindness and affection that can melt the iciest heart. Maybe I am being stupid, thinking about this, but I don't care. I'm going crazy. I think about what she's doing all the time. If she is running in the fields with Romeo, if she is visiting nice places, like the ones that she showed me, or if she is running away from her night terrors. But Juliette is brave. I should've known, the moment I saw her that she is magical. Because just after a few weeks she got under my skin. My Juliette invaded my mind and at first, I was angry, but then when the damn blindness faded away; I knew that I needed to know more about her. She makes me do things, I never thought, that I could do. Survive a boring, routine day. Being able to live in pain without everything that I loved. Because I have hope now. Hope that leads me through the darkest nights, that in the end seem to be the most beautiful ones. Do you sometimes go to the kitchen for a midnight snack? And when you are walking through the darkness with the light behind you, you know there is nothing that can hurt you. It's your safe haven. You look back and then continue your path. But when you are returning, there is darkness behind you and you know that anything can stab you in your back, but you look into the light and suddenly it doesn't seem so bad, because only a few steps, and you know you are going to be there. That is, if you are an idiot and don't turn all the lights on, like me. That is beside the point... Juliette is simply my light. God. It really is simple. At the end of lectures and a day blunt greeting, Juliette is my hope. It isn't healthy. But I'm not dying and that is enough.

She is like a lightning. She makes my heart beat. While my world is grey, she makes my dreams bloom with colours. All the serious moments that torture me so much, she lightens with just a few words. She laughs at my stupid stories and Star Wars references. I am not sure about a lot of things in my life. She doesn't belong in them. Just how much I don't belong in this world, I belong to her.


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