Finally Falling Into Your Arms

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I never believed in them. But when her lips are on mine, the spells are obvious. Her lips are soft and sweet. Her kisses are as hot, passionate, and soft as ... her.

If I hadn't been so lost between her lips, I would notice that the fog had dissipated. I would notice the blackness around us revealing the walls, doors, and bed.

I'd notice we're not dreaming anymore.

Her hands press me desperately against her. My hands are wrapped around her body, but it still isn't close enough. Even though her fingers are in my hair. Although she frowns in our kiss. Even though her hair flows down my chest, we could never be closer.

I lower hersoftly and she exhales, breaking the kiss.

I open my eyes.

Are we in my room?

"What the fuck?!" I exclaim.

"What the fuck!!!" Bena screams even louder. The plate with risotto falls from her hands. She stands in the doorway and she looks downright terrified. She falls to her knees besides Juliette and looks at her wound.

How the fuck did we get here?

What is happening?

Are we on Earth?

Is this a  a nightmare?

This can't be a nightmare, can it?

What is happening?!

Juliette, what did you do?

Are we dreaming?

Is this some kind of a fucked up joke?

What is happening?!!

"Paris... Paris!" Bena presses. I look up, tears streaming down my face.

"We have to get her to the hospital." she said very calmly and urgently.

I was thinking with panic. Juliette does not exist in this world. There will be questions, and even if she survives, she would not live too long. They would imprison her, and if I knew anything, it is that she never gave up her freedom.

"We can't. I can't say why. Will you help her, please? Please?" my voice broke.

Bena looks hesitant for a moment before running away. She returns after a moment that seems too long. Juliette watches me weakly, her hand in mine. I squeeze her.

"You'll be fine, Juliette." I whisper. She smiles. She ran her thumb over my hand, softly. Bena sat beside her breathlessly. Her hands didn't shook.

"Turn her over and talk to her," she said firmly. I do as she says.



"Do you remember Paris?"

"Of course."

Her soft gaze almost made me shatter.

"Imagine what it would be like to go live."

"It must be beautiful." she smiles dreamily like she really is thinking abou it.

"It is. There are a lot of tourists though."

"You know I didn't see anyone else when we were together, aah!"

Juliette blinks away the tears of pain frantically and bit her lip.

"Sorry... Juliette. This is going to hurt," says Bena as softly as I ever heard her speak. Her forehead is sweating, but her face was determined. She glances at me. I nod and she returns to work. I couldn't watch.

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