♚♦ 02: Entering ♦♚

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Officer Sato walked out of my room, her notebook in hand. I was left alone again. I pressed the button for that nurse. I was hungry. A nurse came into my room. "What do you need honey?"

Food please? I didn't know if she was like my mother or like Officer Sato. Its best to use manners. To avoid punishment.

"Alright. Do you want some soup?"

What soup?

"It's like water, only with flavor and chicken, I guess." The nurse explains.

I want soup and water, please.

"Alright, I'll be back in a bit!" The nurse walks out of my room.

-Time Skip Brought to You by Soup-

I took a nap after eating the soup. It was good! I've only eaten sandwiches and water, because (M/N) and (D/N) didn't think I was worth spending money on.

I started to stand up and unplug myself from the wires, so I could use the bathroom. I finished up in there and went back to my bed, but I heard some talking from outside my door. I walked up to it and heard, "-orphan now ... -found dead."

So... (M/N) died? How exciting. I get to go to a big house and hate all the children there. I walk back to my bed, pretending that I never heard anything. I've turned out to be an okay lier over my four years of life. The nurse comes in looking sad. I bet she's not going to tell me.

"(L/N)... your mother died last night." She says.

Well I thought wrong. I nod and give her an awkward smile. Like an, Okay.

She looks at me with an odd expression. "In a couple of days, you will be moved to an orphanage. Do you know what that is?"

A place where kids who have no parents go?

"Yes. Do you have any personal belongings that you want to bring to the orphanage with you?"


"Are you sure? Do you not have any toys?" She checks.

I am sure.

"Alright. Do you need anything?"


"Okay, bye!" The nurse leaves.

I sit there in my bed, doodling for the rest of the day.

The next morning, I start to actually walk around the hospital. I found a hair brush, so I brushed my hair down. And I took a short shower. The nurse wanted to stay in the bathroom with me, but I shook my head and shoved her out. I think it's creepy to have someone watch you bathe. Like, who does that? I got some extra clothes from the lost and found.

 Like, who does that? I got some extra clothes from the lost and found

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This is what you are wearing... minus the bag.

I found the play area and sat at the computer. I looked up some dances. (M/N) always told me that I could never do ballet like she could. That was the truth. I can't. I could never make those graceful leaps. They hurt my ankles. But, I can do Hop-Hop dances. So I made my own choreography for them.

I looked up Hip-Hop dances in the YouTube search bar. I found Falling by Trevor Daniel.

Start at 1:40 for your dance. Its the only single female one in the video, but you can watch the whole thing!

I did pretty good if I do say so myself. But I need more practice. I go back to my room to get my water glass off of my side table.

-Time Skip Brought to You by YouTube-

It has been a couple of days since I was taken to the hospital, and now they are taking me to the orphanage.

"Do you have everything you need?" The nurse who was taking me to the orphanage said.


"Alrighty then, lets get going."

We walked to the multi-colored car and got in. "Where to?" The taxi driver asked.

"Daisy Field orphanage, please." The nurse said.


After about 10 minutes of driving, the taxi stopped outside of a big building. The nurse paid the driver and got out. "Come on (L/N), lets go."

I scooted out of the backseat with my art backpack and notebook. We walked to the front door and the nurse held it open for me. "Go ahead, (L/N)." She smiled.

I looked at her skeptically before walking inside. My ears were overwhelmed by noise. I ran to the nurse and hid behind her legs. 'Not today Satan Spawn.'

The nurse chuckled and walked to the front desk, with my hand in hers. She rang the bell.

A younger man, who seems to be in his late 20's or early 30's walked over the the desk. "Hello?"

"Hi!" The nurse said.

"Are you here to adopt a child?"

"No, actually I'm here to put one in the orphanage. Her parents recently died."

"Oh, I'm so sorry little one." He looks down at me.

'Creepy.' I nod.

"What's your name?"

(Y/N) (L/N). I hand my notepad to him.

"Well... we're just going to call you (Y/N), okay?" He smiles.

I nod before taking my notepad and hiding behind the nurse again.


859 words. :)

Taciturn | Haikyu!! Fanfic | Fem!Child!Reader | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now