♚♦ 10: Watching ♦♚

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Contrary to popular belief, I do like Kageyama Tobio.


We're coming back now.
 I got two plushies.

Make sure to say thank you. 

 Love you!

Love you too! 

I turned off my phone and watched Akaashi walk next to Bokuto. I then turn it back on again and say, ''Your eyes are really pretty Bokuto and Akaashi.'' 

"Oh, thank you, (Y/N)-chan." Akaashi accepts the compliment. 

"HOOT HOOT, THANK YOU BABY OWL!" Bokuto yells. I cover my ears and flinch. "Baby Owl?" 

''I'm alright. You just hurt my ears.'' I take my hands off my ears. 

"I'm so sorry Baby Owl!" Bokuto slumps over and frowns. 

''It's okay.'' I say, trying to cheer up Bokuto so he doesn't drop me. Bokuto stops slouching but still frowns as we walk back to the buildings. 

When we get back to the big rooms, Bokuto sets me down. "Okay, Baby Owl. Go run to your brother!" 

I look over at Akaashi, who is looking at Bokuto with a very slightly concerned look on his face. ''Bye.'' I say, and then I walk over to Asa-nii. I tug on his shirt. He looks down and sees me. 

"Oh, hey Imouto. We're going to do some practice matches, and then we can have some fun time, okay?" 

I nod and walk over to the bench. I have a hard time, but I finally get up on the bench. I watch Asa-nii, Hinata-kun, Kags, Tanaka-kun, Tsukishima, and Noya-kun play against Bokuto and Akaashi's team. Every so often they would swap Noya-kun out for Ennoshita-kun or someone. I didn't know why, so I asked. ''Why is Noya-kun getting switched out, Kiyoko-kun?'' 

Kiyoko-kun looks at me a little surprised, and then says, "Nishinoya is the libero, so he can't play offensive. So when the rotation gets to when he goes to the front, they swap him out for a different player," Kiyoko-kun explains. "And then he will swap out for that player in the corner." She points at the court. 

I nod slightly. ''I get it now. Thank you.'' 

"You're welcome, (Y/N)-chan!" Kiyoko smiles. 

I stop watching the game, because I know that Bokuto's team is going to win, and look around the rest of the room. I see one person that has hair opposite to Noya-kun's. I decide to walk up to him. 'What's the harm... right? I have to get out of my shell.' I lightly tug on his shirt and he looks down. 

"Hey there! What's your name?" He crouches down to my level. 

I start typing and say, ''My name is Azumane (Y/N). Nice too meet you. What's your name?'' 

"I'm Koganegawa Kanji! But you can call me Kogane! I'm gonna call you Mini Wall!" He picks me up and spins me around. 

I get a little startled at first but sink into his grasp. 

"Jeez, you're even quieter than Aone." Kogane mumbles. "Gomen, that was insensitive!" Kogane apologises. 

''It's alright.'' I say. 'I hope he isn't like Bokuto.' I start typing again. ''I should probably go now. I wanted to look around.'' 

"Oh, alright! Bye Mini Wall!" Kogane says. 

I wave at him, and walk away. I look down, and accidentally bump into someone. I fall over and look up at someone with yellow hair, staring down at me. I softly shudder. He starts growling. 

"KYŌTANI! GET AWAY FROM THE GIRL!!" I hear a voice yell. I wasn't paying much attention though, because I, on the other hand, would like to live. "SOMEONE HELP!" I get swooped up by a pair of arms, still looking at the scary guy in shock and fear. I'm starting to think leaving Kogane wasn't such a good idea. 

I look at the person holding me. It was a brown-haired male. "Are you alright?" 

I nod, not able to say anything, as my hands were trembling from fear. 

"You sure? You're trembling. I'm Iwaizumi Hajime, by the way." He states.

I take some deep breaths to get myself under control. It didn't take long, because I, of course, was used to scary faces. Just apparently not as much as I would like. 

"Iwa-chan! Is the Cutie alright?!" A brown-haired boy comes up to us. 

"She'll be alright, Shittykawa." Iwaizumi says. 

My hands have stopped shaking as much now so I can grab my phone. ''I'm alright. Thank you.'' 

Iwaizumi looks down at me. "You're welcome." 

''How do I spell your names?'' I ask.

"I. W. A. I. Z. U. M. I. Iwaizumi." Iwaizumi says. I type it down. 

"And I'm the Great Oikawa Tōru." Oikawa flips his hair. 

"Shittykawa just tell her how to spell your name already." Iwaizumi smacks the back of Oikawa's head. 

"Ow! Iwa-channn! You spell my name O. I. K. A. W. A. T. Ō. R. U., Cutie." Oikawa says. 

''Thank you, Iwa-kun and Oikawa-kun. My name is Azumane (Y/N).'' I look at Iwa-kun. ''Is it alright if I call you Iwa-kun?''

"Uh, I guess so." Iwa-kun says.

Oikawa-kun gasps dramatically. "Iwa-chan is letting Cutie give him a nickname?" 

"Oh shut up Crappykawa." 

"NO CURSING INFRONT OF CUTIE." Oikawa-kun yells at Iwa-kun. 

"Then stop being stupid." Iwa-kun argues. 

''Stop being dumbasses.'' I say, having enough of the yelling. 

Oikawa-kun looks at me in horror. So does Iwa-kun. "SEE IWA-KUN, LOOK WHAT YOU TAUGHT HER."

"I didn't know she would say anything I said!" Iwa-kun yells back. "I never even said dumbass!" 

''Can you put me down, Iwa-kun?'' I say, kind of impatient. I haven't noticed this, but I've gotten more vocal, you could say. Less timid. 

"Sure." Iwa-kun sets me on the floor. "What were you doing over here, anyway?" 

''Just watching.'' I respond. 

"Oh, hm." 

"Cutie, do you wanna hang out with Iwa-chan and I?" Oikawa-kun asks. 

''Maybe after lunch?'' I say. 

"Alright! Well, bye Cutie!" Oikawa-kun says and turns around. "Come on, Iwa-chan!" 

"Shut up, Shittykawa. I'm coming. Bye (Y/N)-chan." Iwa-kun says, walking behind Oikawa-kun. 

''Bye.'' I turn around and walk the other way. We love near-death experiences. 


990 words

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