♚♦ 09: Stealing ♦♚

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"AKAASHI! IT'S A CHILDDDD" A white-haired owl-looking man said.

"I know, Bokuto-san." The black-haired male next to him says.

"Can we say hi to the child?!"

"Yes, Bokuto-san. We may go to the kid."

The two boys start walking up to me. 'Well shit. There isn't a person that I know.' I'm internally crying. The owl-looking man crouches down to my level.

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm Bokuto Kōtarō! Who are you?" The owl-haired man says.

I look at his hair for a second before responding. ''I am Azumane (Y/N).'' I look at the black-haired boy besides Bokuto. ''Who are you?''

"I'm Akaashi Keiji. Sorry for the way he came up to you." Akaashi says.

''It's okay.'' I nod.

Bokuto suddenly picks me up and I slightly panic. Bokuto then starts running. "I have the child!" He says.

Akaashi runs behind us yelling at Bokuto. "Bokuto-san, put (Y/N)-chan down!"

"NO! BABY OWL IS FOREVER MINE!!" Bokuto yells back at Akaashi.

"BOKUTO-SAN! Put (Y/N)-chan down, or at least stop!" Akaashi yells back. I watch the exchange of words.

"Fine..." Bokuto sows down quickly and Akaashi bumps into us, making Bokuto almost fall. And that wouldn't be good, because it would result in a flat (Y/N).

"I don't wanna let Baby Owl go, though!" Bokuto says.


"But I don't wanna..." Bokuto says, throwing a very slight tantrum.

''Don't be sad. I can stay with you.'' I say. 'Why did I even...? Eh. Whatever.'

"HEY HEY HEY! Did you hear that Akaashi! She want's to stay with me!" Bokuto smiles.

"Yes I did, Bokuto-san." Akaashi sighed.

"Do you wanna fly, Baby Owl?" Bokuto asks me.

''Uh, sure.'' I say.

Bokuto picks me up and throws me into the air. I had a late reaction but I silently giggled in excitement. I start falling and he catches me.

"Bokuto-san! Don't do that! She could've fallen!" Akaashi scolds Bokuto.

''Again?'' I ask. Bokuto smiles and Akaashi looks at us horrified.

"Hoot hoot! YES!" Bokuto throws me up into the air again. But this time I got caught by someone that was most definitely NOT Bokuto. "Eh?" Bokuto ever so slightly looks up at the person holding me.

I was then taken away. "AKAASHI! HE STOLE MY BABY OWL!" Bokuto pouted.

"Well then go get her back, I guess." I faintly hear Akaashi's voice as I'm being stolen away.

"Yaku!" My kidnapper says. "I've got the infamous child!" He says, holding me up like Simba.

I survey my surroundings. Either he's a dumb or new kidnapper, or not a kidnapper at all.

"Lev! Put her down! I'm surprised she hasn't screamed from your Russian Tree of a height." The person most likely named Yaku said.

"Fine..." Lev, I think, puts me down on the floor.

I  look up at both of them. 'Why in the heck is he so tall?'

''Why are you so tall?'' I ask.

"Pfft- HAHAHA!" Yaku laughs. "He's so tall because he's part Russain."

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