♚♦ 15: Sleeping ♦♚

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After eating, my brother handed me off to Kiyoko to give me a bath. 

"Alright, (Y/N)-chan! It's time for you to take a bath!" She opens up a door that goes to a big room with a big bathtub in the middle. 

I'm confused. Why is there such a big bathtub? I tug on her shirt with a questioning look on my face. 

"What's wrong (Y/N)-chan?" Kiyoko asks. I point towards the bathtub. 

"The bath? It's so people can bathe in the same place." She says this like it's the most normal thing ever. 

I'm concerned. Who in their right mind wants to take a bath with other people? But I undress and get in anyway. Kiyoko looks at me with a concerned look on her face. I raise an eyebrow at her. 

"(Y/N), did you know that your skin is all bruised?" Kiyoko asks. 

Ah, another reason I don't like bathing in front of people. Because my skin is colored weirdly. I turn around to get a glimpse at my back. Sure enough, there were small yellow-colored spots on my back. Most likely they're from my old father or mother. I turn to face Kiyoko, trying to disregard it. I nod slightly at her. I honestly don't know what to do in these situations. 

I reach for the strawberry-smelling soapy stuff and start to wash my body off. The tips of my hair start to get wet, and I decide it would be better to wash my hair too. I close my eyes and before Kiyoko could ask what I was doing, quickly dunk myself into the water. 

I come up and take a breath, my teeth chatter from the contact of the cold water to my face. I rub my eyes to get the water out before opening them. I look around the bath room to make sure that my vision isn't blurred. I then stand up on the seat and hop out of the bath with Kiyoko. She grabs a towel for herself before handing a towel to me. I take it from her hand and wrap it around my body. I snuggle into it before drying myself off and getting into my pajamas. 

Kiyoko and I went into the managers' room, because it was full of females and not males. A light-brown haired girl in a ponytail comes up to us. "Hello Shimizu-san! And...?" 

"Hello Namestu! I told you to call me Kiyoko, by the way." Kiyoko waves and smiles. "This is Azumane (Y/N), our ace's little sister." 

"Oh!" Namestu, I guess, says. She crouches down so that she's eye-level with me. I back up a step or two. "It's alright, (Y/N)-chan! I'm Namestu Mei! Date Tech's manager! It's nice to meet you!" she holds out her hand, asking for a high-five. I tentatively raise my hand, and lightly hit her hand. 

Namestu gasps and looks at her hand. "You're really adorable, you know that? By the way, you can call me Mei. I think its easier to remember." 

I nod, not really knowing how to respond in this situation. 

"Yukie! Kaori! Come meet (Y/N)-chan!" Mei says. 

Two females walk over. "Yeah, Mei?" A red-brown haired girl says. She then looks down at me. "Oh! Hello! You're the one Bokuto was talking about, right?" 

I nod. 'I guess so?' 

"You are cute!" She says it like it's a surprise. "Usually Bokuto exaggerates a lot," She explains. "My name's Shirofuku Yukie! But you can call me Yukie, it's simpler." 

"And I'm Suzumeda Kaori, Fukurōdani's other manager. It's nice to meet you, (Y/N)-chan." Another girl with a ponytail says. It might take me a little to differentiate between Kaori and Mei. but I'll get it! 

I yawn, and they all melt.

Move Used: Silent Yawn 
Yukie: 739/1000 HP 
Mei: 600/1000 HP 
Kaori: 687/1000 HP 
Kiyoko: 750/1000 HP 

They stand there for a couple of seconds before Kiyoko picks me up and says, "Come on, (Y/N)-chan. It's time for bed." She opens the covers and sets me down on the mattress. I lay down and she covers me with the blanket. "Goodnight, (Y/N)-chan." Kiyoko whispers to me, before turning off the lights. "Goodnight everyone!" Kiyoko says, and I wince. 

"Goodnight!" Everyone else says together, and I flinch once again. 

After about 2 minutes, I knock out, exhausted from the day full of events. About two hours later, I wake up in a cold sweat, absolutely terrified from my nightmare. I decide to go find my brother, because I was definitely NOT falling asleep by myself again. 

I flip the covers off of my legs, exposing body to the cold night air. I stand up, hurrying to not be cold for long. I start opening doors as quietly, before coming across Karasuno's room. I see a sea of neatly organized people on their mattresses. Except for Noya. He's in a star-shaped pose on the floor. He then flinches and I jump, terrified that I woke him up. But I didn't, as he then curled into a ball, still asleep. I carefully walk around everyone, almost stepping on Tsukishima, the tall blonde. I finally get to my brother, and sit down next to him on his mattress. I poke him a couple of times before he grumbles, opening his eyes. 

"Imo- Imouto?! Why are you here?" He sits up slightly, seeing my cold and slightly shivering body. "Did you have a nightmare?" He questions. 

I nod. 

"Would you like to sleep here with me instead?" Asa-nii says. 

I nod again. 

"Well come on." He flips up the covers, allowing me to get in bed with him. (This is a friendly sister-brother moment please don't make a big deal about it.)

I crawl next to him and snuggle up next to him, before he drops the covers on me and closes his eyes. I fall asleep to the small snores that come out of my brother's mouth. 

The next morning, I wake up to mumbling and snapping. Most likely the snapping of a camera. I sightly shift and everyone stops talking. I open my eyes and rub them, before yawning. I look at the group of people staring at me. 

Move Used: Silent Yawn 
Daichi: 870/1000 HP 
Sugawara: 700/1000 HP 
Tsukishima: 930/1000 HP 
Kageyama: 900/1000 HP 
Hinata: 673/1000 HP 
Yamaguchi: 808/1000 HP 
Ennoshita: 890/1000 HP 
Kinoshita: 798/1000 HP 
Tanaka: 760/1000 HP 
Nishinoya: 740/1000 HP 
Narita: 800/1000 HP 

I give them a small wave. 

"Good morning Little Thunder!" Noya exclaims. "You look really cute!" 

I nod and give him a small closed-eyed smile. He falls on the floor, clutching his heart. 

Move Used: Tiny Smile 
Nishinoya: 520/1000 HP 



1106 words

Thank you so much for waiting! I love all of you so much! I'm glad you enjoy my book!

Miyako OUT!

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