♚♦ 11: Insulting ♦♚

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I walk around the buildings, careful not to bump into anyone, because I would rather NOT have another near-death experience. Guess what I'm doing. Looking for hiding spots. As per usual. 

I walk into the big building, pushing against the heavy doors. To the left, were the bathrooms. And then there were doors and stairs. 

I get a ping from my phone.


Hey Imouto, where are you?

Question of the day: Where AM I? I reply quickly, so that I don't worry Asa-nii.


Hey Imouto, where are you? 

 ...I don't know?

What do your surroundings look like? 

 Well, I'm in a room, with bathrooms and a hallway.

Go outside 

I walk outside, and look around. 

 Everything looks the same, Asa-nii.

Do you know how to get back? 

 ...Not really.
 I see someone

What do they look like? 


That doesn't really help me, Imouto. 

 They're tall! And have dark brown hair!

The person in question turns and notices me. I jump up slightly, being the timid kid I am. They start to walk up to me. They crouch down and in a tired voice they say, "What are you doing here, kid?" 

I timidly type in my phone. ''I'm lost.'' 

"Mmm. Who are you with?" He asks. 

''My brother.'' I respond. 

"Ah. Well I'm Suna Rintarō." 

''How do you spell that?'' 

"S. U. N. A. R. I. N. T. A. R. Ō." 

Suna Rintarō. 
This way?

"Exactly. Give me one second." Suna turns around and yells out. "Oi, Tweedledee and Tweedledum! Come here!" 

A few seconds later, two boys that look like twins come up to Suna. 

"What?" One of them says. 

I take in their features. One looks like a bee, and the other looks like he is a gray bee. 

"I found a kid, and she says she's lost." Suna gestures at me. 

The bee looking one gasps. "So cute!" He walks over and picks me up by my armpits. 

'Can you put me down, bee?' I squint my eyes at him. 

"It looks like she doesn't like you, 'Tsumu." The gray-haired one says. 

"Oh shut yer trap, 'Samu!" The boy named Tsumu yelled back at him. 

'Are you going to ignore me?' I start to pry his hands off my body and before he could react, I fall out of his hands... 


"Tiny!" Tsumu yells. He picks me up ONCE AGAIN and starts checking me over. "Are you alright? Did you hurt your feet?" 

"Tsumu, put her down before she falls again." 

I look over at 'Samu, squint, and quickly flip him off. 'I didn't fall, I gracefully dropped.' 

Everyone's eyes widen at the gesture I made. 'Tsumu puts me down. "Tiny, what's your name?" He asks. 

''My name is Azumane (Y/N). And I didn't fall. I dropped gracefully.'' I hoped they knew what the word 'gracefully' meant. 

"Whatever, I'm still calling you Tiny." 

''Fine, Bee.'' I retaliate quickly. I know my insults when I have the option. 



''I didn't mean it as an insult, I guess. I like bees.'' Which isn't a lie. I do like bees. 

"HAH! TINY LIKES ME!" 'Tumu says. "I'm the great Miya Atsumu, and this is my dump of a brother Miya Osamu. Oh, and I guess you know Suna." 

''Yes. Could you help me?'' They're forgetting the whole reason I'm here. 'Losers.' 

"Oh, yes. Shaddup 'Tsumu so we can listen." Osamu says to is brother. 

"OI!" Atsumu starts to pick a fight with his brother. 

"Both of you shut up and listen to her." Suna says. 

''Do you know where the gyms are?'' 

"Oh! We were just heading there!" Atsumu says. "Come on Tiny! Can I pick you up?"

''Can I sit on your shoulder?'' I start barganing. 

"Sure!" The Bee says. 

''Then okay.'' He sicks me up and sets me on his right shoulder.


I'm heading back now
 there are three people coming with me 
Their names are Atsumu, Osamu, and Suna.
 Be back shortly!

Be safe! I'm worried!
Suga's going into a panic 

 Tell him to calm down, I'm fine.

-Time Skip brought to you by My Week-Long Absence from Wattpad- 

Atsumu, Osamu, and Suna brought me back to the gym and I gave them all another heart attack by jumping off of the Bee's shoulder. ''Bye.'' I say, and walk away, not giving them a chance to respond. I walk up to Suga, and he jumps and looks down at me. 

"Oh my Asahi! Sugar!" Suga yells, and picks me up. "Are you alright?" 

''I'm fine, Suga. I learned that I have good jumps.'' 

"You whAT?" Suga asks. 

''I jumped...?" I repeat. 

"From whERE?" 

''The Bee's shoulder? Not that high, I guess.'' I shrug it off. 

"You need to be more careful, Sugar! You could've gotten hurt." Suga scolds me. 

''Naw, I'm alright.'' I say. ''Has anyone ever told you that you act like a mom?'' 

"No...? But thank you, I guess." 

''Mhm. Is it lunch-time?'' 

"Yup, just about! Let's go to the dining hall to get some food for you." 

Suga sets me down and we walk to the food room together. We sit at a table next to the other people from Asa-nii's school. A person, who looks to be really old, cleared their throat. We all look in his direction. 

"Alright, I would like to start this off by saying thank you for coming." He smiled. "As you might have noticed, there is a small child with us. Her name is Azumane (Y/N), and she is with Karasuno." 

I get down from the chair and most people notice. I walk over to the man and tell him something. 

"...And she won't be talking to you because she's mute."


970 words

Taciturn | Haikyu!! Fanfic | Fem!Child!Reader | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now