♚♦ 18: Playing ♦♚

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I walk around the buildings, which looks aimless. But I'm actually looking for them members of Karasuno. I open the doors to one of the gyms, and enter. The tables are placed by the walls, and chairs are laid out beside it. 

I walk over to the foldable tables and peer into the triangle shape. I find a short libero curled into a ball in the corner of the space. I walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder. 

He jumps, and looks up at me. 

"Heyy! Baby Thunder!" He comes towards me and hugs me, before setting me down. 

''Hello. Could you go to the starting gym?'' I ask. 

"Yup!" The weather-centered boy starts jogging back to the gym. 

I continue walking, and find Asa-nii on the way. 

''Found you.'' 

He turns around to see my small figure standing before him. He smiles, and says, "So you did. Was I the first one?" He looks up at no one else standing with me. 

''No, the third.'' I gesture toward the starting gym with my hand. ''Could you to the starting gym?'' 

"Alright. Be careful." He kisses and then boops my nose before leaving the room. I raise my hand to my face before shaking my head and moving on. 

I soon find Narita, Kinoshita, and Tanaka all stuffed in a storage room together. 

Hello. Uh, so I've completely given up on this book. It wasn't the best at all. I'm not really proud of it to be honest. I will be publishing all the drafts, so you can have some small references and such. Thank you for reading this crappy book though! Uhm... yeah. 

I am making a TPN x Reader / Ray x Reader book though- that should be coming out in the following week. So follow me if you don't want to miss out on that. 

The last time I will say this on this book,

Taciturn | Haikyu!! Fanfic | Fem!Child!Reader | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now