♚♦ 17: Suggesting ♦♚

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At the end of the day, all of the volleyball games ended. Karasuno lost all but one of their games. I'm proud of my brother, even though he's eating away at his self-confidence. I walk up to him, and tap on his knee. He looks down at me from where he was sitting on the bench. 

He wipes away a few stray tears before talking, "Imouto? Do you need something?" 

I reach out my arms, silently asking for a hug. he chuckles softly before kneeling down on the ground and wrapping his arms around me. I snuggle into him and wrap my arms around his neck. I'm not much of a touchy-feely person, but Asa-nii just looks down. 'Is he possibly thinking that he made his team lose? That's quite stupid, if he is.' 

I break the hug, before asking, ''Can we play hide-and-seek with the other people?'' By other people, I mean Karasuno. 

"You mean everyone?" Asa-nii asks. 

''Just your team, please.'' 

He nods. "Alright." He stands up with me in his arms before heading over to the two other third years. "Guys, my sister wants to play hide-and-seek with the team." 

Suga and Daichi look over at us. Suga pumps up his fists and yells, "HECK YEAH." 

"Sure, I'll round up the others." Daichi says. He walks out the door of the gym and to the second years. Soon enough, the 5 second years head over to us while Daichi walks to Kags and Hinata. I don't expect Tsukishima or Yamaguchi to play. Tsukishima will probably think it's a silly thing to do, and Yamaguchi will most likely follow him to the ends of the Earth. 

I get set down by Asa-nii. I, being the smart toddler I am - and also wanting to save my energy - , sit down on the dirty gym floor. I do slightly cringe at the dust that accumulated on the floor, but honestly don't care.

Soon enough, a grumpy Kags and a bouncing Hinata come back racing each other. Even Yamaguchi came, which was something that surprised me.

"Alright, so who's going to seek first?" Noya-kun says. 

"What about (Y/N)-chan, since she was the one who suggested the game?" Narita-kun suggests. 

Everyone looks in my direction. I look up from my contemplating and nod my head. 

"ALRIGHT!" Hinata yells. 

I pull out my phone before hitting the timer button. I set it for 30 seconds and hold up my fingers in a three position. I count down backwards. 





They all race off out of the gym - except for some who were less enthusiastic and walked - and I started the timer. I watched the circle around the numbers slowly dissipate. 

After what felt like an hour of waiting, the timer beeps. Ding ding ding! Ding ding ding! I press the big yellow button that says stop before turning it off and put it in my pocket. I walk out of the door. 

I turn to the right and start walking. I find Yamaguchi making noise hiding in a bush. I would have walked right past him with his brownish-green hair mixing in with the leaves. I send him back to the gym where everyone originally started. I would rather not have a ruckus surround me while seeking. 


550 words

I'm sorry this is short. My mind is slowly running out of ideas and I'm also working on a GCMV for my YouTube channel! 

It's also short for plot reasons, so please just cut me some slack. 

Sorry for being gone for so long!

Eli OUT!

Taciturn | Haikyu!! Fanfic | Fem!Child!Reader | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now