♚♦ 01: Leaving ♦♚

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I hear the glass from a beer bottle breaking downstairs. And incoherent yelling. I huddle up in my excuse of a room. (D/N) must be drunk.


I quickly walk down the stairs. I find my father, drunk, on the couch. Figures.


I take my bandaged fingers and start picking up the green pieces of glass. A piece cuts my band-aid and cuts open my finger. I suck in some breath but continue, nevertheless. I have never called my dad Dad. I haven't called my mom Mom. Hell, I've never spoken.

I'm a disappointment. A failure.

(M/N) always comes home late. It's a regular thing in our house. If she comes home early, that means she had a bad day. And I don't like it when she has bad days, because she takes it out on me.

I used to have my brother home with me. He would stop (M/N) most of the time... Not anymore. 

The neighbors never hear me screaming, although I know they're worried. I guess that's why the police came by one day. I heard banging on the door, and (D/N) told me to open the door. So me with my 4 year-old body, went up and opened the door.

"Hello sweetie, are your parents home?" A big brunette man says to me.

I cautiously nod.

"Do you think I could talk to them?"

I nod once again and walk away, going to get my dad. I pull on his pant leg and point towards the door. 'There's someone that wants to talk to you.'

(D/N) stands up and kicks me in the stomach. He walks over to the door, beer bottle in hand.

"Sir-" The police man starts.

(D/N) slams the door in his face and turns back to me. "Did you call the fucking cops?!"

I shake my head vigorously. I don't want to be killed.

"Talk to me goddammit! Did you call the fucking COPS?!" His voice gradually gets louder.

I shake my head again, but he walks up to me, not believing it. He picks me up and throws me against a wall. The back of my head starts bleeding.

The police man starts banging on the door, threatening to break it open. But (D/N) wasn't listening. He started kicking my stomach. 'Ow ow ow ow ow.' Silent tears start streaming down my face.

The door breaks open and the police restrains my father from hitting me any further. He puts (D/N) in handcuffs while his partner checks on me.

"Honey, stay with me." She says. My eyes open slightly. "Are you alright?"

I nod.

"Can you tell me your name?"

I make a writing motion with my hand.

"Do you want to write it down?" She asks.

I make a thumbs up gesture at her. She takes her note pad and pen out of her pocket and gives it to me. (Y/N) (L/N).

"Alright, (L/N), do you know where your mother is?


"Alright, an ambulance is coming right now and then we can talk more. Okay, honey?"


-Time Skip Brought to You by the Ambulance-

I was now in the hospital, after being treated. The same female cop from before walks in. "Hello (L/N), my name is Officer Sato. (NOT FROM MHA) I will be asking you a few questions, okay?"

I nod, wincing from the minimal pain in the back of my neck.

"First, how old are you?"

I hold up four fingers.

"You're four?" Officer Sato's eyes widen.

I give her a thumbs-up.

"...Alright. How long has this been going on, as long as you can remember?"

I think about this question. I make grabby hands towards the pencil and paper on my side table. She hands it to me. Hitting started at 3. Yell before. I show her the paper. Her expression is shocked at first and then saddened.

"I'm so sorry honey. Second to last question, do you have any living relatives besides your mother?"

I shake my head. Brother gone. Grammy and Grampa die.


"This is my last question. Do you speak?"



694 words. :/

Taciturn | Haikyu!! Fanfic | Fem!Child!Reader | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now