♚♦ 05: Living ♦♚

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The next morning I got up and got out of bed. The two other girls were still asleep. I guess Gin got them up every morning. Eh, nevermind. I get dressed and go out to walk around. I haven't really gotten used to this new place and all the new places. I need to find hiding spots.

Why, you ask? Because it helps. If there's someone mean. Hiding spot. If I need to get away? Hiding spot. It's best to have at least 3, because then when someone finds you, you can go to a different one. I've learned to find hiding spots wherever I go. It's turned into a game. Inside my old house, I found 2 hiding spots. The most obvious one got found out right away and I got starved for 3 days for it.

By the time everyone else has gotten up, it was around 9:00 and I found 2 hiding spots. One is behind a little panel in the janitors closet. The other is in a vent. Literally. Just unscrew it a little, and you've got a whole system of channels to hide. I would be the master of hide-'n-seek. I probably am. I just don't know it yet.

Life at the orphanage went on the same. Asahi came and talked with me again. That was cool. But I don't know what he sees in me. Just a mute kid that has no right being next to someone so nice.

"(Y/N)." Isao-san says.

'What does he need?' I look up at him. Yes?

"You're getting adopted, come on." He smiles. "Let's go grab your stuff."

I look back at Asahi and he nods. I wave slightly at him and walk to my shared room with Isao. I guess I won't need those hiding spots anymore. I don't have much, so it doesn't take long for us to pack up. We walk up to the front and I see Asahi with his mom and dad. I look at them questioningly. 'What's going on here?'

"Mr. and Mrs. Azumane have decided to adopt you, (Y/N)." Isao-san says.

'Oh!' Little sparkles emit from my eyes. I run to Asahi and hug his leg. He bends down and picks me up by my armpits before holding me correctly and supporting my butt.

My new dad grabs my stuff and I say bye to Isao-san before heading out to their car. I get in next to Azumane and he buckles me into the booster seat.

"Everyone buckled in?" Mr. Azu-, no, Dad says.

"Yes." Asahi says.

The drive home knocked me out. I wake up to the jangle of keys. I'm on Asahi's shoulder. I slowly lift my head and rub my eyes.

Asahi looks over. "Good morning, (Y/N). Don't rub your eyes, it'll hurt them."

I nod slightly before stopping. I turn to see mom staring at me. I tilt my head to the right slightly.

Mom opens her mouth. "You're so cute, (Y/N)!" She squeals.

I get startled. 'Cute, huh? Advantages, advantages.' I slightly smile in a mischievous manner.

"Come on in. Asahi, put your sister down. (Y/N), this is where you'll be living, with us." Dad says.

Asahi puts me down and I walk around the inside of the house. It's so pretty! Not like my old house, that was dark and only had 3 working lightbulbs.

I walk back to Asahi and write something down. Can I call you Asa-nii?

"Yes, (Y/N)! you may most definitely call me Asa-nii!" Asa-nii smiles widely. "Can I call you Imouto?" 

I nod and smile slightly, but Asa-nii notices it.

"Your smile is really cute, Imouto." Asa-nii says.

I slightly blush from embarrassment and hide my face. Asa-nii and dad chuckle. "Come on, (Y/N)! Lets go show you your room!!" Mom yells. She seems really energetic. She sweeps me up in one swift movement and runs down the hallway. She stops in front of a door and sets me down. "Go on, open it!" She smiles.

I reach for the doorknob and turn it. The door opens up into a nice pale blue room with a white circular rug on the wooden floor. There was a toy chest on the wall to the right of the bed and the bed was on the wall perpendicular to the door. The ceiling had little star stickers that look like they glow-in-the-dark, which is perfect, because the dark scares the heck out of me.

"Well, what do you think (Y/N)?" Mom sounds really nervous. I guess she put a lot of time into this.

I turn around and give her a small soft smile. I love it. Thank you.

"You're welcome (Y/N)! I'm glad you like it!" Mom pulls me in for a hug.

I see Asa-nii and Dad behind her at the doorframe. I curl up the corners of my lips and use one of my hands to wave.

"Hi, mom, (Y/N)." Asa-nii says.

Mom gets slightly startles, as she jumps and lets go of me. Dad chuckles. She turns around, "Asahi, honey, you scared me!"

"Sorry mom." Asa-nii apologizes.

"It's alright Asahi. Come here." He comes and kneels on the floor in front of mom where she hugs him. And that's how the three of us ended up on the floor before dinner. Because dad left to go actually make dinner.

That night we had noodles and steamed broccoli. They kind of had to force me to eat the broccoli though... it's gross.

At the end I ate 5 pieces... in exchange for 2 cookies instead of one.

I took a shower and got in a cute kitten onesie. I walked out to the couch and we watched the Movie 𝑀𝒶𝓇𝓎 𝒫𝑜𝓅𝓅𝒾𝓃𝓈.

Asahi's POV

I felt (Y/N)'s body go limp beside me. I look over and see her asleep. 'Ah! She's so adorable in her cat onesie! I should take a picture of this!' I slowly open my phone and make sure the flash is off, before snapping a photo of her.

(Y/N)'s POV

Kittens and ice cream...

The next morning I wake up in my bed. Huh. Seems like I passed out sometime during the movie. Anyway, I hop out of bed and get dressed, before finding the hairbrush and hastily brushing out all the knots. Jeez, that's a nightmare. I finally get most of the knots out before going to the kitchen. I expected it to be a chill day but apparently not. Everyone was rushing around.

'What's going on?'

I knock on the wall to get someone's attention. Dad hears me. "Good morning (Y/N)! You're going to be going with your brother today, alright?"

I nod.

"Alright now go get your stuff." I dash into my room to put on some socks and shoes, before grabbing my notepad and a pencil and walking back out again. I tug on Asa-nii's leg as he grabs his bag.

"You ready, (Y/N)?" Asa-nii asks.

I nod. Yes. Up?

Asa-nii picks me up and opens the door. 'Mom and dad must have already left.' He turns around and shuts and locks the door before walking down the sidewalk.


1186 words.

I listened to 'Cheers' on repeat while writing this. Good luck.

Miyako OUT.

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