♚♦ 12: Learning ♦♚

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I nod and head back to my seat, but then stop when I feel two pairs of eyes staring at me. I turn on my heel and stare in the direction I feel the eyes from, and see two twins staring at me. I start walking up to them with a straight face and a slightly dark aura. I hear Atsumu whisper to Osamu, "How is she Asahi's sister?" 

I grin, adding too the creepiness. Suna, who is sitting to them, takes out his phone. I suddenly get picked up. I turn off my aura like a it's a switch and turn around in the person's hands. I wave. 

"Hello Little Fox. What were you doing?" 

I reach for my phone and type in, not daring to make the machine say it out loud, I was going to scare the sh*t out of them. ^-^ 

"Where did you learn the word 'shit' Little Fox?" Everyone around us gasps. 

I shrug. 'I though everyone knew the word shit?' 

"Little Fox..." He sighs. "Well I'm Kita." 

''How do you spell that?'' 

"K. I. T. A." 

Like this? 

"Exactly." Kita says. 

''Could you set me down?'' 

He set me down and I walk up to Atsumu. 

"Uh... hi (Y/N)!" 

''Hello Bee. Could you help me learn how to set?'' 

"Oh! Yeah sure!" 

"But Cutie! I thought WE were gonna do that!" Oikawa comes over and whines. 

''You can teach me how to do that thing at the edge of the room.'' 

"Oh, serve?" 


"Sure! I could teach you tha-" Iwa-kun comes over and smacks the back of Oikawa-kun's head. "Mean Iwa-chan! Mean!" 

"Then don't walk away like that!" Iwa-kun says. 

I stole an onigiri off of Osamu's plate, and shoved it into my mouth. 

"Why'd you do that, Kiddo?" Osamu asked. 

I looked at him like he was stupid. ''I'm hungry.'' 'Baka.' 

"Oh, don't steal my stuff, steal 'Tsumu's instead." Osamu said, trying to save his onigiris. 

''Alright.'' I turned to Atsumu's plate and stuffed food into my mouth. Atsumu looks at me shocked, and I give him a tiny cheeky grin. 

"Wha-? Tinyyy whyyyyy?" Atsumu whines. 

''I want food?'' I say. 'Do they just think I don't eat or something?' 

"Fineee." Atsumu eats some of his food off of his plate, while I eat some stuff too. 

After lunch, I walk to the gym with Atsumu, going to learn how to set. 

"Alright, so first thing. Can you make a triangle with your fingers?" 

I show him. 

"Okay, good. Now, lift up all yer other fingers, too." 

I lift up my fingers. 

"Now what yer gonna do is spread yer hands and fingers slightly, and then curve them." 

I do as he says, and then he walks up to me and slightly fixes up my hand positioning. 

"Like this." And he walks over to a big cart, and grabs a volleyball. "Now yer going to push the ball from yer face with yer hands." 

He tosses the ball towards me and I reflexively dodge it. 

"Don't dodge it, it won't hurt you that much." 

'Yes. And that makes it SO much better.' I get back into position. Atsumu tosses another ball. This time I actually use my hands. It goes up into the air. I look at Atsumu, and he's gaping at me. I make a half-grimace half-smile face. 'You good?' 

"That was almost PERFECT. WHAT THE HECK." Atsumu runs up and twirls me around. I get slightly motion sick, but I dont tell him that. "I'm going to go get 'Samu, alright?! Be right back!" 

And he leaves me alone in the gym. 'What a smart idea. Leave me alone in a gym.' I pick up the ball and start throwing it up against the wall, to set it. I eventually get bored after about 2 minutes, and start hitting it. I think that's what Hinata-kun called spiking? I throw it at the wall and it bounces back and I hit it. 

The door opens, and I turn my head, accidentally hitting myself in the face with the ball. I internally curse it out while looking at it, and then turn my head back to Atsumu dragging his brother. 

"Come on!! Tiny's really good at setting!" 

"Stop yelling." Osamu mumbles. "I swear, you have two different personalities, and the dumber one comes out when it concerns volleyball." 

'Why is he using the word concern when no one's done anything bad?' 

"Just watch her set the ball!" Atsumu whines. He lets go of Osamu's arm and walk over to me. "You ready, Tiny?" 

I nod and give him a thumbs-up. I'm starting to get really frustrated by not talking. I see Osamu sit down out of the corner of my eye. I close my eyes and close off most of my senses, to make sure that I don't get distracted. My main focus is on the ball that Atsumu has in his hand. 

He tosses the ball up and I push it up and forwards with my hands, perfectly back into Atsumu's chest. 

"See!" Atsumu points at me and looks at his brother. 

I look over at Osamu and he looks impressed. "You'll be able to beat Sangwoo when you're older if you keep this up!" 

I pick up the ball from the floor, and walk over to Osamu. ''Could you hit it?'' I ask, a questioning look on my face. 

"Oh- uh- Sure!" Osamu looks a little surprised at first.

I turn around and look at Atsumu, and hold the ball up to him. He crouches down a little, and grabs the ball while patting my head. "Everyone ready?" He asks, but I can tell that the question was more for me than for Osamu. 

I nod and look at Osamu. 

"I'm ready." 

I turn back to the Bee and put up my arms. He tosses the ball and Osamu jogs up to the net. I push the ball up and over to him as far as I can, in hopes that it gets over the net. I watch the ball wobble a little, but it still finds its way to Osamu's hand. I stand there not sure whether to be excited because it hit his hand, or scared that it hit his hand. So I just stand there, mouth slightly agape, looking over at the ball at the other side of the room. 

I hear Osamu's shoes squeak as he lands on the floor. I look over at him and he keeps looking over at me, then the ball. Atsumu is doing the same. I close my mouth, and walk under the net to get the ball. I didn't know someone that's 3 feet tall could do that! That was cool! I grab the ball, and turn around to see Osamu and his brother whispering to each other while looking at me. As soon as they notice that I'm staring at them, they fix their positions. 


1158 words

Thank you for being patient with me while I get this out! And thank you for 3.5K reads!

Miyako OUT

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