♚♦ 16: Running ♦♚

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I turn around and start poking Asa-nii's face in an attempt to wake him up. He groans and places his arm over his face. 'You gotta wake up, Asa-nii.'  I continue poking his face until I got bored and stood out of bed. I grab the closest thing I could find that was light enough for me to carry. Which happened to be a pillow. And threw it in his face. Asa-nii sat up, and looked over at my small body. I ran. 

I ran like my short life depended on it. I would rather not get killed by an angry brother in the morning. Especially on my second day here. 

I opened the door to the manager's room and shut it, using all of the force that I had. I then put on some clothes as fast as I could and tried untangling my hair before opening the door with my phone and running again. 

I turned the corner and WHAM. I ran into someone. I fell backwards and landed on my butt, before looking up at the person I bumped into. Purple... hair...? 

I sat up and brushed my clothes off, before turning around to go the other direction. But that was no good, because I saw Asa-nii trudging out of the Karasuno room. 

So, I made a split-second decision and ran under the purple-haired boy's legs and onwards. 'I should've looked for hiding spots! Dumb dumb.' 

I rounded another corner and ended up outside. I looked around at my surroundings, and noticed a good tree...

...and climbed into the bush next to it. 

The branched started to get all pokey and itchy, but I stayed in there for the sake of my life. I soon watched Asa-nii pass the bush, and into another building. I slowly crawled out of the bush, and into the food room. 

I saw the black-haired rooster next to the bleach-blonde sitting at a table. I decide what better way to start the day than to 'haunt' Kuroo. I walk up to him, and poke his side as high up as I could reach, then duck under his chair. He looks over his shoulder, and since there was no one there, he makes a "huh?" noise, and then turns back around. I then poke his side again, the some one. And again, he looks back to see no one there. 

"Kyanma, when I turn my back, could you look for someone?" Kuroo asks Kenma. 

"Mhm..." Kenma looks up lazily from his game and sees me behind the jet-black haired boy. I put my finger over my mouth as a shushing motion. He seems to recognize this, and turns back to Kuroo. "There's no one there..." He mutters, just as I poke Kuroo's back. 

I duck under the chair, and hide. This time, Kuroo stands up, moving his chair slightly. I move with the chair, and when he walks around, I duck under the table. I then slide into the seat opposite of his, and sit there until he notices. 

Kuroo is still franctially looking around his seat like a madman. So, I turn to Kenma instead. I hop off the seat and walk up to him, and poke him. he pauses his game and looks over at me. "Yeah...?" 

''Can I try?'' I ask him. Kenma nods, and Kuroo looks up at the sound of the lady's robotic voice. 

Kenma picks me up to put me on his lap, and Kuroo points accusingly at me. "You! Chibi-chan! You were the one poking me!" He yells, his voice reverberating across the walls of the cafateria. 

I look at him with my best innocently-confused face. 

"Don't look at me like that! You were in on it too, Kenma!" Kuroo then accuses Kenma of helping me. I pout. I then turn back to the screen where Kenma was looking, and started learning while ignoring Kuroo. 

Soon enough, Kuroo gives up on trying to get us to admit what we've done, and walks away. Kenma eventually sets me down so he can play with his team. 

And so, I'm in the cafeteria, by myself. 'WHAT IS IT WITH THESE PEOPLE LEAVING ME ALONE?' 

I walk out of the door and into the gym where everyone is playing. I go and sit next to Kiyoko and Yachi. I poke the side of the timid blonde, and she jumps off the seat in surprise. 

"O-oh! It's just you, (Y/N)-chan. I thought it was s-someone else." She rubs the nape of her neck and smiles awkwardly while crouching at my level. 

Kiyoko turns and says, "Hello (Y/N)! How are you?" 

I give her a thumbs-up. ''I am good. How are you?'' 

"Im alright, thank you for asking!" Kiyoko says with a smile. 

"U-uhm, (Y/N)-chan. Wo-would you like to sit here with u-us?" Yachi asks. 

I nod, and push myself up onto the bench. I watched as Karasuno slowly lost. I watched as they did diving drills, and then they ran like maniacs up and down the hill. Well, Hinata and Kageyama ran like maniacs up and down the hill. It looks like they have this unspoken race between them ALL THE TIME. 24/7. 

Anyway, I walk into the gym and see Bokuto and Akaashi. I walk up to them and their team. I poke on Akaashi's leg, and he looks down at me. 

"Oh, hello (Y/N)-chan." Akaashi says, picking me up. 

"Baby Owl!" Bokuto exclaims. I wave, and turn to look at the unfamiliar faces in front of me. I point, before asking, ''Who are they?'' 

"This is my team!" Bokuto says! "Baby Owl, this is Konoha, Washio, Anahori, and Komi. Konoha, Washio, Anahori, and Komi, this is Azumane (Y/N)." 

Bokuto pointed to a short, dark-haired male, a light haired, greenish haired male, a short male with fringe going down between his eyes, and a tall, thin eyebrowed male. I wave, as if to say "hello". 

"Uh, hello?" The short boy says. 

"Bokuto, why doesn't she speak...?" Konoha says. 

"She's mute." Akaashi says, answering for Bokuto. 

"Ah." Konoha says. "Well, I hope she has a good time." 

"I do too," Washio says. 


1023 words

Dedicated to: 1berrymilk, my sister, who finally decided to create a Wattpad account

Having fun? I know I am! I'm happy for 10K reads, thank you all so much. 

LMAO can I give you guys, gals, and pals a nickname so I don't have to keep saying "you all"? 

Uh... and if you do, Imma call you guys my Souls or somn, okay? 

Anyway, thank you for being patient while I was procrastinating.

Miyako OUT

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