♚♦ 07: Asking ♦♚

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At the end of the day, I met everyone in Asa-nii's volleyball team. They're all actually really nice. I tug on Asa-nii's pant leg as we walk home.

"Do you need anything, Imouto?" Asa-nii says.

What's a summer camp? I ask.

"A summer camp is like a place that you go during the day. Only for this one, you stay there overnight."

So like an orphanage?

"Not really. Do you know what a hotel is?"

Sort of. You pay and stay there, right?

"Exactly. Kind of like that." Asa-nii looks down at me. "We stay there for a while and play volleyball, and then leave."

Oh, okay. Can you pick me up?

"Sure." Asa-nii says and stops to pick me up. We get home and watch television until either Mom or Dad gets back. Mom got home first. It was a weird experience for me, since I rarely ever saw (M/N).

"Hello Asahi and (Y/N)!" Mom called out.

I look behind me and wave at her. I walk up to her and cautiously give her a hug. After a few seconds I warm into the hug. She hasn't kicked me away yet, so I think it's okay.

"Your dad's going to be a little late today, okay? He has to go pick up something."

I nod and let go of Mom. It's a weird feeling, having the opposite parent home first. And having them care about you.

It's weird not feeling like a disappointment.

"Hello, Mom." Asa-nii says. He walks up and hugs Mom.

"Hello, Asahi." Mom says. 

Asa-nii let's go of her and says. "Nekoma is having a training camp in a couple of days. May I go?"

"Of course!" Mom says. "I think you'll do very well! Now let me go get started on dinner." Mom walks into the kitchen and starts moving around.

I tug on Asa-nii's leg.

"Yes, Imouto?" Asa-nii smiles.

Can I go with you?

"I don't know, you'll have to ask Mom and I'll have to ask the Coach."

I nod. I know this outcome might not be the way I want it but I have to try. I don't really want to be left alone. I walk up to Mom. I tug on her pant leg and she looks down.

"Oh, hi (Y/N)! Can whatever you have to say wait until dinner? That way both Dad and I get to hear it?" Mom asks.

I nod. 'That makes sense.'

Dad got home around 5:45. He had his work bag in on hand and a tiny white bag in the other.

"Hello (Y/N)." Dad says. "How was your day at Asahi's school?"

It was good.

"Nice! I have a surprise for you." He gives me the small white bag. "Go on, open it."

I open the bag and there's a rectangular flat box in there. I look up at Dad. What is this?

"It's a phone. You are only going to have it for the text-to-speech feature and so if you get lost, you can textone of us. Okay?"

'Huh. Giving a kid a phone? Alright.' I nod.

What's the passcode?

"It's really simple. Just your birth month and day. So it's 0618."

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