♚♦ 08: Going ♦♚

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-Day of the Training Camp-

"Good morning, (Y/N)~." Mom whispers in a sing-song tone to wake me up. I slowly open my eyes and sit up. I rub my eyes with my hands before looking at Mom. I wave. "How'd you sleep?"

I grab my phone off my nightstand and turn it on. ''I slept okay. What about you?''

"I slept well, thank you! I have your outfit set up for the day, so you should probably get dressed."

''Okay.'' Mom walked out of the room while I got out of bed.

I walked to the chair that had my clothes on it and started to get changed.

I walked to the chair that had my clothes on it and started to get changed

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(This is your outfit - No Coffee!)

I fixed my hat before walking out the door. I walked down the hall and into the dining room, where I found Mom.

"Ahh, you look so cute! Wait, let me take a picture!" Mom pulled out her phone while I posed. "I can't with you!! You're too cute! I'm going to die!"

''Don't die.'' I typed in.

"It's an expression, (Y/N)." Mom laughed.

''Oh, okay.''

"Asahi! It's 4:45! Where are you?!" Mom yells.

Asa-nii comes rushing down the hallway. "You ready, (Y/N)? Good, we're going to have to rush." Asa-nii says as he puts on his shoes. Asa-nii picks me and my bag up before rushing out the door. "Bye Mom, love you!"

"Love you two too!" Mom yells behind the closed door.

Asa-nii literally starts sprinting to get to the bus on time. As the last three people start to get on the bus, Asa-nii yells out, "We're here!"

"Ah, good! I thought we were going to have to leave with out you, Asahi-san." Daichi says.

Asa-nii and I get on the bus before Daichi does, and we sit down next to Noya-kun. ''Hello Noya-kun.'' I type in.

"Heyo Baby Thunder!" Noya-kun says.

''Baby Thunder?''

"My nickname for you! Do you like it?" Noya-kun asks.

I nod. ''Yes I do, thank you.''

"You're very welcome, Baby Thunder!"

Asa-nii silently chuckles. ''Can I do to Suga-kun, Asa-nii?''

"Sure." Asa-nii set me down and I walk over to Suga-kun. I tug on Suga-kun's pant leg and he looks down at me.

"Oh, hello Sugar! Would you like to sit with Daichi and I?" Suga asks.

I nod. Suga grabs me under my armpits and places me  on the seat.

"Hello, (Y/N)-chan!" Daichi-kun says.

I wave. ''Hello Daichi-kun. How are you?''

"I'm good! How are you, (Y/N)-chan?"

''I'm okay. I'm waiting for someone to fall asleep.'' I say.

"Why's that, Sugar?" Suga-kun asks.

''You'll see.'' I smirk, not bothering trying to hide my evil intentions.

Soon enough, Noya-kun falls asleep. On my brother's shoulder, I might add. ''Suga-kun, can I go to the hall?''

"Uh, alright." Suga-kun picks me up and moves me to the isle.

I walk towards Noya-kun and Asa-nii. I crawl onto the chair and put my plan into action. I grab the tiny marker I had hidden in my bag. I pick it up to Noya-kun's face and before Asa-nii could stop me, I started drawing on his face. I drew a tiny star under his left eye and gave him a moustache. Asa-nii looked at me with a horrified expression. I smirked at him.

I went back to Suga-kun. "Oh, hello again Sugar! What did you do?"

I pointed at Noya-kun. Suga-kun look slightly horrified but also chuckled at the same time. "Daichi, look at Noya-san and Asahi-san." He said as he picked me up.

Daichi-kun looked over the seat and saw Noya-kun, with marker on his face on the shoulder of a very concerned Asa-nii.

"(Y/N)-chan, did you do this?" Daichi-kun asks.

''Maybe.'' I smirk. ''Maybe not.''

"(Y/N)-chan..." Daichi-kun huffs. "You shouldn't do that."

''Sorry..'' I look at him with puppy eyes.

"It's alright, just don't do it again." He sighs.

New Attack: Puppy Eyes

Daichi-kun and Suga-kun started to talk and I slowly fell asleep.

I was woken up to the sound of yelling.

"Gwahhhh!" Hinata-kun squeals.

I huff out air as I wake up on Suga-kun's shoulder.

"Oh, hello Sugar. How did you sleep?"

I give him a small thumbs up as I look at my surroundings. '' Down, please?''

"Oh, alright." Suga-kun sets me down on the floor. I walk about 5 steps ahead of everyone and see Tanaka-kun hugging a guy with a yellow stripe of hair. I look the other way and see a boy with blond hair on a... phone? tablet? Whatever. 'I'm going to talk to him.'

I walk over to him and sit right infront of him on the floor. It takes him a while to notice me but when he does he kind of yelps. "Ah!"

I look at him. 'Am I that scary?'

"U-uh, hello?"


"W-what are you doing here?"

''I'm here with Asa-nii. Volleyball.''

"Oh, me too." He looks at me and then back to his screen.

''Am I boring?''

"W-what? U-uh, no!"

"Kenma! Com- oh! Who's this?" A black-haired bed-head comes up to me and... Kenma, I guess.

"I don't know. Some kid." He replies.

"Hello Chibi-chan!" he crouches down to my height. "What's your name?"

''(Y/N) Azumane.'' The app says.

"Oh, so you're here with Karasuno, Chibi-chan!" the bed-head says. "I'm Kuroo, from Nekoma."

''Neko?'' I look at him.

"Imouto? Imouto?!" I hear Asa-nii panic.

"Oi! Azumane! Chibi-chan is over here!" Kuroo says.

Asa-nii comes running over. "Oh thank goodness! Thank you Kuroo!"

"No problem."

Asa-nii picks me up and starts to walk away.

"But Chibi-chan!"

"...Bye Kitten."

I wave at Kuroo and Kenma-kun.

I can already tell this will be a fun place to be.


940 words ^-^

Taciturn | Haikyu!! Fanfic | Fem!Child!Reader | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now