♚♦ 14: "Hurting" ♦♚

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I wake up outside of my body. 'I'm not dead, so why am I here? Is this a dream?' I look around to find no one in sight. I then look down at my feet. My eyes widen. I'm standing on flowing lava. I jump. 'WHAT THE HELL... wait... am I in Hell? No. I'm not. This is just a dream.' I slowly walk towards my body, to see if I could go back into it. I walk up and seemingly through my body, before laying down on top of it and closing my eyes. 

I keep them closed until I start to hear muffled voices. I open my eyes to a bright, white light. I sit up some and look around. I see Asa-nii rushing towards me. "Imouto! Are you alright?" 

I nod. 'Where am I?' I motion for a paper and pencil. Asa-nii frantically turns around and grabs a pen and paper from the counter. I'm alright. The side of my face doesn't hurt that much. Where am I? That was my main concern, my location. 

"You're in the nurse's office." Asa-nii says. 

Ah. Alrighty. 

"Are you sure you aren't hurting?" He asks... again. 

I nod, but then bring my hand up to the side of my head. 'Well shit- my heAD.' 

"Well, Oikawa and Iwaizumi wanted to apologize, so I'm going to let them in, alright?" Asa-nii says. I nod, and he leaves the room. 

Approximately 10 seconds later, Oikawa and Iwa-kun walked through the door. Well, Oikawa was more or less running. But both of them had concerned looks on their faces. 

"Cutie!!" Oikawa comes in and gives me a hug. "I'm so sorry that Iwa-chan hit you in the face!" 

'Iwa-kun hit me in the face?' 

"Apologize, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa turns around and looks at Iwa-kun, still hugging me. 

"Sure, Shittykawa, just get off of her." Iwa-kun says, allowing me to breath again. "I apologize for hitting you in the head with the ball, (Y/N)-chan." 

I give him a thumbs up and write something down. Its ok. I would like some food though, if that's okay. I hand the paper to Iwa-kun. I haven't forgotten that I haven't had dinner yet. 

"Oh, yeah! Crappykawa, we have to go get (Y/N) some food." Iwa-kun looks at Oikawa. 

"But I wanna stay here, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa complains. 

"No. get your ass up Lazykawa." Iwa-kun pucks up and starts dragging Oikawa by his collar. 

Asa-nii walks back into the room, still looking concerned. "Imouto, why were you even in the gym?" 

I needed my phone. 

"Ah, I can go get it for you now, if you would like." Asa-nii says. 


"Be right back!" Asa-nii rushes out of the door. 

And here I am again, alone, in a room. What about common sense do people not understand? Never leave a child alone in a room. But here we are. 

About 1 minute later, a red-head walks into the room. He looks very fixated on his hand, so much so that he doesn't really notice me. He only notices me when I shift on the bed, causing it to creak. He flips around in a fighting stance, just to see me sitting there, with a 'Bitch WTF are you doing' look. And I was. I have no idea what he's doing. 

"Oh, hey! I remember someone saying something about a kid being here! I thought they were kidding though." He says. "I'm Tendō Satori! Nice to meet you." He waves at me, and then fixes up his hand before coming to sit across from me. "What's your name?" 

I turn and grab my paper before writing down. My name is Azumane (Y/N) and I'm 4. Nice to meet you. 

"You're four?! You act really mature for your age!" Tendō sounds, and looks shocked. 

Thank you! I look at him a curl up the bottoms of my lips. I nod my head. 

"Can I take you to meet my team?" He asks. 

I was supposed to wait here for Asa-nii, Iwa-kun, and Oikawa. 

"Ehh, they won't mind, so lets go!" Tendō picks me up, which makes my head slightly spin, and we start heading to the gyms. We get to the gym and a blast of cool air brushed past my face, making my hair float up a little. "Semisemi! I found the child everyone was talking about!" 

"Tendō stop-" The ash blonde turns around to see me in Tendō's arms. "Oh my GOD Tendō what did you DO?!" 

"Exactly what I told you." The slim red-head says. "I found her in the nurse's office." He explains. 


"Oh... oops." Tendō says sheepishly. "Anyway, (Y/N), this is Semi, but you can call him Semisemi. Wave Semisemi, you're being announced to the child." Tendō scolds Semisemi. 

"Hello, (Y/N). It's nice to meet you." Semisemi says. 

"Hey! Ushiwaka c'mere!" Tendō yells right next to my ear, making me flinch slightly from the loud noise. 'Why do people have to YELL around mE?' 

"Yes, Tendō?" A olive-brown haired man asks. 'Jeez he's really tall!' 

"Come meet, (Y/N)!" Tendō twirls me around. 'Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to kindly STOP. Only pretty lady Kiyoko may do this. I have twirling stAndArdS.' 

"Tendō, don't do that to her, she is not a stuffed animal." The man named Ushiwaka says. "And it is nice to meet you (Y/N), my name is Ushijima Wakatoshi." 

I take out my paper and hand it to him. Can I call you Ushi-kun? Your name is really long! 

"Uh, yes, you can call me Ushi-kun I guess." Ushi-kun says. 

I hand him another slip of paper. Thank you. 

"No pro-" Ushi-kun gets cut off. 

"Has anyone seen my sister?!" I hear none other than my brothers frantic voice from the doorway of the gym. 

"Yeah, she's right here." Semisemi points at me in Tendō's arms. 

"Semisemi you snitch!" Tendō whisper-yells under his breath. 

"Thank you so much!" Asa-nii steps into the room to grab me. "Imouto, lets go now." 

Tendō puts me down and I walk towards Asa-nii. He holds out a hand for me and I grab it. 

"Thank you for holding onto my hand, I'm afraid I'll lose you again." Asa-nii confesses. 

I nod, and he hands me back my phone. We get back to the nurse's office in time to see Iwa-kun and Oikawa coming back with a plate of food for me. 

''Thank you Iwa-kun and Oikawa.'' I say, taking the food from them. 

"It's no problem, Cutie!" Oikawa says. 

I say my thank-yous to the gods, since Asa-nii taught me that's what you're supposed to do before you eat, and then I stuffed my mouth with a rice ball. I swallowed and grabbed another one, before looking up with a look of gratitude on my face. I can tell that they all internally melt, well Oikawa externally melts too, at my cuteness.

Move Used: Serene Cuteness 
850/1000 HP 
Iwa-kun: 900/1000 HP 
Asa-nii: 870/1000 HP 


1175 words

I love all of y'all ISTG. You guys make my day just by reading it! Arigato!!

Miyako OUT

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