♚♦ 03: Drawing ♦♚

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The nurse signed the papers for my stay at the orphanage. She crouched down to look at me. "I'm going to go now, and you're going to stay here, alright?"


"Bye, (Y/N)." She waved at me.

I waved back and looked at the man at the front desk. "Hello, (Y/N). My name's Isao. I am the main caretaker of the children here."

How to spell name?

"My name? I. S. A. O. Isao." (Isao means honor; merit)

I wrote it down. Thank you.

"You're welcome." He smiled and held out his hand. "If you would like to, we can go see the the children your age."

I walked up to him and grabbed his hand. He squeezed my hand once and we started walking. We got to a very loud room. He opened the door and I saw kinds from age 2 to 10 there. I hid behind Isao's leg.

"It's alright, (Y/N). They won't hurt you." Isao looks down at me.

'Well I know that, dummy.'

Isao whistles to get everyone's attention. "Everyone! We have someone new joining us today! Her name is (Y/N)!"

Everyone looked at Isao-san.

"Where is she?" One boy said. They can't see me because I'm hidden behind Isao-san's leg.

"She's right behind my leg. She's just a little shy." He says. "Come on, (Y/N)."

I stepped around Isao's leg and stood next to him. I looked over the group of children, looking back at me. I held onto Isao's leg like it was my lifeline. I hated new people. Especially rowdy kids. 'Broken child.'

Isao-san is looking down at me, so I look up at him. "Go, make friends." He pushed me towards them.

I look at the kids slowly crowding around me and turn back to find Isao-san, but he's gone. I turn back around at the other kids just in time to see a silver-haired 6-year-old hug me. My eyes widen and I stiffen.

"My name's Gin! What about you?" The girl who was hugging me said. (Gin means silver)

I slowly pull up my pad and pencil and shakily write out (Y/N).

"Well, it's nice to meet you, (Y/N)-chan!" Gin says. "Would you like to play with me and my friends? Of course you would!" Gin grabs my wrist and drags me over to 3 other children. 

They started talking and I slowly faded out of the conversation, and found my way out of the room. I started walking around the hallways until I found an actual adult. Finally, I made my way to the front of the building, where I found Isao-san. I pulled on his pantleg and he looked down. "(Y/N), what are you doing here? You should be with the other kids."

Too loud. I wrote out.

"Do you want to stay with me then?"

Yes please.

"Alright. There is a chair right here, and you can draw on your notepad, okay?"

Wait. Backpack? I ask.

Isao turns around and walks to the hooks. He grabs my backpack and hands it to me. I grab it and walk to the chair that Isao-san pointed at. He pushed the chair in and I started drawing in my sketchbook. It's the only of two skills that I am relatively good at. Drawing and dancing. I try to cook, but I end up burning myself or something.

I finish drawing, and turn to show it to Isao-san. I hop down and pull on his pant leg, making him look down. he crouches down and looks at me, "Yes, (Y/N)?"

I hold up the drawing. He takes it from me.

"This is a very nice drawing, (Y/N)! I wish I could draw like that."

A very slight smile crept onto my face.

-Meanwhile with the Other Kids-

"Hey, (Y/N)-chan!" Gin says and turns around. "...(Y/N)-chan?" Gin looks from side to side in hopes of spotting (Y/N)-chan. "Guys!!" Gin yells. "Have any of you seen (Y/N)-chan?"

Everyone shakes there head and they all grow a look of shock and worry of their faces. "Start looking!" Everyone starts looking from (Y/N). Everyone comes up empty handed. "I'll go tell Isao-san!" Gin says, and runs out.

-Back with (Y/N) and Isao-san-

I hear faint footsteps running through the hallway. "Isao-san! Isao-san! We lost... (Y/N)-chan?"

I slightly wave.

"Were you here... this whole time?" Gin asks.

I nod, looking at me with a ''what in the world did you think'' look.

"Oh." Gin looks at Isao-san. "When's dinner?"

"In about an hour, Gin. Go back to the playroom, and tell everyone dinner will be in an hour." Isao-san ushered Gin to the room.

I turned back around in my chair and continued to draw.

-Time Skip Brought to You by Drawing Skills that I Don't Have-

"Come on, (Y/N). It's time to go eat." Isao-san says.

I nod and jump off the chair. Isao-san and I walk down the hallway and into the big playroom.

"Kids, it's time for dinner!"  Isao-san yells into the room. Everyone stops playing and runs up to him and I, ready to eat. We had ginger pork for dinner that night.

I shared a room with Gin and her two other friends. Their old roommate got adopted two days ago. They didn't go to bed until really late. I stayed up looking at the ceiling, wondering when I could finally sleep. It wasn't like I wasn't used to running on low energy, I just wanted to sleep. I guess the medicine isn't all out of my system yet.


918 words. :)

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