♚♦ 13: Memeing ♦♚

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I twirl my finger on an angle with a questioning look, as if to say, "again?" 

"Sure! We can go again!" Atsumu says, grabbing the ball from my hands. 

After about 15 minutes or so, I was quite worn out. But, we did have a group of people standing by the door watching us, well, more like me.  I gave the ball to the Bee, and sat on the floor, exausted. 

"Ey, Kiddo, don't forget to stretch!" Osamu says, walking up to me. 

I look up at him and scrunch my eyebrows. As he crouches down to show me, two people walk, more like waltzed very, very, over the top, into the room. They both have sunglasses on, and one of them has a pinkish tint to his brown hair. 

"We have arrived!" The brown-haired one says. 

By this time, I have neglected my stretching, and Osamu, and was now watching the two boys make a scene. 

The people in the room had parted and crowded against the walls to show them. They were both standing there in a super-hero type pose. The pinkish brown-haired person pushed down his sunglasses and looks around the room, before his eyes settle on me. He elbows the person besides him and says, "Ey, Matsun. The child is right here." And he points to me. 

"Oh really?" The person named 'Matsun' says. He whispers something into the brown-haired persons ear before the both come up to me. "Yoink!" I get snatched from next to Osamu and I begin to get carried away. 

Once we were a significant distance away from the gym, they stopped. "Hello child. We're gonna call you Lil' Memer, alright?" 

I nod. 

"Your name is Azumane (Y/N), right?" The pink-haired one says. 

I nod a second time. 

"My name is Hanamaki, and this is Matsukawa. But you can call me Makki." 

"And you can call me Matsun." Matsuwaka says. 

I give them a thumbs-up, unable to do anything else because my phone and notepad were both left in the gym. 

"Ah shit, we forgot your notepad." Makki says, before almost immediately covering his mouth. 

"Makki!" Matsun scolds Makki. 

'Why is Matsun scolding Makki? I know that word.' I'm slightly confused, but don't make anything of it. 

"Here, take my phone so you can talk to us." Matsun says, while he hands me his phone with the notes app open. 

Thank you. I write. 

"You're  welcome. I think this is the first time that I have really ever used to notes app." Matsun says. 

Makki gasps. "Really? Not even for memes?" 


What are memes? I pull on Makki's pant leg. 

"You've never heard of memes?" 

Now it's Matsun's turn to gasp. "You've never what?!" 

I look at both of them with a confused look on my face. 

"We're just going to have to culture her in the world of memes." Makki decides. 

"Sure, this will be our hangout. Looking at memes." Matsun says. "Are you good with that, Lil' Memer?" 

I nod, giving them a thumbs-up. 

"Of course she would be!" Makki says. He picks me up and sets me down of his lap, while Matsun sits down right next to us. Makki opens his phone and goes to the search bar, before searching for memes. 

-This is how I get memes into my story because I want to- 

-This is how I get memes into my story because I want to- 

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By the time I got tired from witching the screen go by so many photos, it was almost 3 P

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By the time I got tired from witching the screen go by so many photos, it was almost 3 P.M. I started to drift off and I fell asleep, leaning on Makki's arm. 

I woke up to the sound of a stomach rumbling, and the feeling of emptiness in my stomach. Hungry. That's what I am. I walk out of the room that I'm in and to the food room. 'I guess Makki or Matsun put me to bed after I fell asleep.' 

I walk in the food room to find the room almost empty. I do find Kuroo and Kenma at a corner table in the room. Kuroo is facing Kenma pushing a tray of food toward him, while Kenma is hiddled up on his chair on his gaming console, refusing the food. 'I guess Kuroo is trying to force Kenma to eat.' I start to walk up to them before I realise that my phone and notepad are still in the gym. So I walk to the gym room where my stuff should be, but then I notice people practicing in it, so I look around the door and watch. I see Oikawa and Iwa-kun both in the gym, Oikawa setting to Iwa-kun. 

I listen to my stoomach grumble again and know that I can't just watch anymore. So, I walk into the room, being as quiet as possible so not mess up their concentration. Only to get hit in the face with the ball. I feel the sting of the ball mold into the side of my face, before it bounces off. I fall over onto my side. I sit up and hold the side of my face with my left hand. Small tears form on the inside of my eyes, but I don't let them spill, because I know someone -Oikawa and Asa-nii- would freak out. 

Oikawa and Iwa-kun both come running up to me. 

"Ahhh! Cutie! Are you alright?!" Oikawa frantically checks me, while Iwa-kun is right next to him with a concerned look on his face. I nod slowly, before letting go of the side of my face, and I look at my hand. I look back up at Oikawa and Iwa-kun, who are looking at my hand and the side of my face simultaneously. And then everything went black. 


971 words

Thank you for being patient with me while I get this out! I was caught up in making YouTube videos! Also, this cover is mine, so don't judge it too harshly if you do decide to play it!

Miyako OUT

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