#20 Babysitting

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"Why do I have to babysit him?" You questioned.

"Because you're his big sister and we need someone to look out for him while we're gone." George, your dad, answered.

"But he's like ten, you don't need a babysitter when you're ten." You continued to argue. You really didn't want to be stuck at home babysitting your little brother. He is annoying and you didn't want to miss hanging out with your friends.

"Y/N, he's six. Besides what are you going to do tonight anyway? Because last time I checked you were grounded until the end of this week." He said sternly.

"But it is the end of this week and I was going to-"

George gave you a disapproving look.

"You're right, I have absolutely no plans...but still, why can't you hire a babysitter, you got money." You surrendered because you didn't want to be grounded even longer.

"Well, now that you mention it." He took out his wallet and grabbed 50 pounds. "No work without a good salary."

"Of course, I'll babysit Dhani, no problem. Stay out as long as you want." You quickly replied.

"Good. But you get paid after the job is done. He said putting away the money again. Mom and I won't stay out too late. Dinner is in the fridge and there are some popcorn you can make if you want to. And try to be nice to him, will you?"

"Me? I'm always nice to my demon baby brother." You said rolling your eyes.


"Ugggghhh fine. Yes, I'll be nice to him." Dropping your hands in surrender.

"Okay, good then. We'll be leaving at five so you know."


After the conversation, George went and started getting ready while you stayed in your room trying to finish up some homework.

About twenty minutes later...

"Y/N Y/N Y/N!!!! Are you going to babysit me?" Dhani slammed the door opened to your room and came bursting in.

"Dhani I've told you a thousand times to knock before you come in!!" You yelled in annoyance.

"Are you are you are you??" He said completely ignoring you jumping up in your bed.

"Yes, unfortunately, I am..." You sighed.

"YAAAAY!!" He screamed hugging you.

"Calm down a tad bit bro."

Dhani continued to yell and run around in your room.

"Shut up Dhani! I'm doing homework and if I don't get it done I can't babysit you." You explained.

He immediately got quiet and walked over to where you sat. He waited for a few seconds before going back to being annoying again.

"Are you done yet?"


"...Are you done now?"

"No Dhan, get out of my room!" You yelled at him angrily.

"Dhani, come here, leave your sister alone for a few minutes will you." Your mom, Olivia, shouted from downstairs.

Thankfully Dhani understood that you were busy and no fun to be around so he left your room and you could finally continue working.

Later the same evening...

"Okay, remember honey that the food is in the fridge, Dhani has to be in bed by nine and if you have any problems you can call us, the number is on the fridge okay?"

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