#2 Escaping

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You woke up late. Again. 

Today was a rainy Wednesday and you were supposed to be at school. ONE AND A HALF HOUR AGO.

You weren't the kind of person that used to skip school but today was one of those days when you couldn't care less.

You were not feeling very good. For a long time you've had these knots in your stomach that just hurt so much, you couldn't even describe it. But the doctors said you were perfectly healthy. Physically.

You didn't want to believe it yourself but even you could see that you weren't mentally healthy. You had started to feel sorry for yourself, started skipping meals, cut yourself and started to lose all your friends because you didn't hang out with them anymore.

This so-called depression started some months ago. Your parents had started to fight. A lot. They hit each other from time to time and if you were in the way, you also got hit because you shouldn't interfere with their business. 

You didn't tell anyone. Not what was happening at home, not how you were feeling. Your best friend George tried to make you feel better, but not even he knew what was going on. You were so embarrassed about the whole situation. You didn't want to seem weak but today you just wanted to be alone.

You heard your father yell at your mother for something she apparently had done wrong and she yelled back. The front door slammed and the house went quiet. You started to cry.

'Why couldn't they just be nice to each other? Why does this happen to me? Why do they hate each other? Why don't they just get a divorce? It's all my fault. Why am I still living?' So many thoughts spun around in your head. 

You went outside your room and your mother saw you.

"Why aren't you at school?" She asked angrily.

"Uuumm...We are free today because..." You started but your mother started to yell at you.

"Why are you lying to me? Haven't you been raised properly, stupid bitch?" She threw a shoe at you.

"You are just as bad as your father. Lying all the time. It's all your fault."

"Why are you so mean to me??!!" You yelled, now crying.

"STOP YELLING! Come here and I will show you a lesson."

She grabbed your arm and slapped your face twice. You cried even more and you felt the pain from the hits in your face. You felt something dripping from your nose. Blood.

As soon as she released you, you ran to your room and locked the door. Your head was pounding. you collapsed in front of the door and hugged your knees. "This isn't reality..." You said quietly to yourself. 

You made up your mind. You were going to escape. Run from this nightmare. You took a suitcase and started to pack necessary things. You were getting out of this place. You took a quick look at yourself in the bathroom mirror. You had bruises all over your body and you saw some blood dripping from your nose but you didn't care. You went out into the hall and put on your shoes. This had to go quickly otherwise you would get discovered. 

You were about to leave when someone pulled your arm. It was your mother again...

"Where do you think you're going, young lady?" She said.

"We are not running away, are we?" She squeezed your arm and you let out a cry.

"Let me go!" You said but she had the advantage. She slapped you again but you were not going to let her win. You struggled out of her grip when you heard a loud cracking sound and you felt a severe pain in your arm. You continued to struggle to get away and eventually you were free. You ran and ran and ran. 

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