#1 Against the rules

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"Dad, I'm going to go no matter what you say, it is my life and my decision!" you yelled at your dad George Harrison. You were going to a party which might or might not involve some alcohol, but of course, you didn't mention that. Your dad, on the other hand, wouldn't let you go.

"You're sixteen and I am your father. You are NOT going out!"

"I don't care what you say. I'm gonna go anyways!" You tried to get away from the conversation but George grabbed your wrist and looked right into your eyes.


"But, but..." you started but you realized there was no way out of this and you didn't really want to bring up a fight which you would definitely lose.

"I don't want you to end up in the wrong place, you know that." He tried to be nice.

You didn't answer and went to your room. Of course, you were going to the party, you were just going to go out through your window instead of the front door, that's all.

You put on some makeup and picked out something to wear. You decided to go with a short tight blue dress and put on matching shoes and a leather jacket. You were supposed to go to the party with your best friend Atticus who's probably waiting for you outside where your dad couldn't see him.

You closed the door to your room, and outside the door, in the living room, you heard loud voices laughing. John, Paul, and Ringo were here. They were probably going to eat some dinner and play some music. You didn't bother.

In reality, you hated going against your father but you had to go to this party. Your crush would be there so you had to go.

You opened your window as quietly as possible and snuck out. You hurried a bit but still tried to be quiet so no one would hear you.

You met up with Atticus who had his boyfriend with him, Ethan, and together you went a few blocks down to the party.

"Why didn't you go through the front door?" Atticus asked with a questioned look on his face.

"Well..."You started.

"Miss Harrison, are you ill? Have little miss perfect snuck out her house without permission?" Atticus smirked.

"Ahh stop it! As if your mom would allow you to go if she knew!" you snapped back laughing.

When you came to the house where the party was, many of your friends were already there. Without knowing it, you held a drink in your hand and chatted with a few of your friends.

"OOH! I love this song!" your friend said and dragged you out on the dancefloor. You danced and danced and drank and drank and the alcohol started to do its job.

You sat down on a chair to catch your breath. What you didn't realize was that your crush was right beside you.

"Hi!" he said shyly.

"Howdie!!" you said. (Yes, you were drunk.)

"So how do you like the party?" He asked. (No, he wasn't drunk.)

"Greaaaaat! How do you like it then? *lots of giggles*" You asked. (Yes, maybe it was not just alcohol.)

"Well, it's not really my thing to go to parties. My friends forced me to come." he looked a bit embarrassed.

"Well, I came...just...for...you...!" you just slurred out, but you were too drunk to realize what you just said.

"Haha really?"

"Yeaaah *giggles*" You answered nodding far too much for a human being.

"Well, how...fitting...uuhhmm... I just wanted to say that I.." He was interrupted by you making your way towards the bathroom. You reached the kitchen and threw up in the zink. He followed you.

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