#8 Sick

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You woke up with a bad headache. You twisted and turned and slowly opened your eyes. You noticed that your boyfriend, George Harrison, wasn't lying by your side. He had gotten up before you which didn't happen very often. Especially not when he had a day off which he had today. 

You lifted off the warm cozy cover and the cold air hit your body. You started shaking because it was freezing. Your headache started to grow even more but you were determined. You were going to work.

You weren't sick very often and when you were, it was just a cold or something like that so you could go to work if you took it easy. Today you knew that you had a little more than just a cold, but you didn't want to stay at home. It was a special day at work.

After you had pulled your thoughts together and tried to put the ache in your body away, you tried to stand up. You took it nice and slow but when you finally succeeded to get up, your knees gave in and you fell back in bed. 

Stubborn as you are, you tried once again, this time holding your bedside table for support. You slowly walked over to your closet and put on your formal job clothes.

You took a look at yourself in the mirror and realized that your face looked horrible from tiredness. To cover it up, you put on some simple make-up. You took another look at yourself. You certainly looked more freshen up but you could see by the look on your face that you weren't feeling the best. 

You went down the stairs, shivering a bit, and got to the kitchen. George was there building a sandwich he was going to eat.

"Mornin' love." You said yawning and poured yourself some coffee.

Geroge hadn't noticed you until you spoke and turned around to see your face.

"Mornin'? What are you doin' up darlin'?" 

"What? I'm going to work like every other day of the week." You said laughing a bit. You grabbed a bowl and poured up some cereal and milk. 

"No, no, no Y/N, you can't go to work if you're sick." He said looking at you with a worried face.

"What? How did you know I was sick? I haven't told you..." Realizing that you told him that you were, in fact, sick.

You really loved George but he could be a bit too caring sometimes. You usually didn't tell him that you had a headache or was sick because then he would go on about how you couldn't do this and that. If you were sick he would take care of you all day and only focus on you. Therefore you decided to keep your mouth shut so he didn't give up all the day caring about you. You felt so guilty then.

"Back in bed." He said ready to get up and put you there himself.

"No, I'm fine. It's just a headache. I'll take some pills and it'll be fine." You said trying to assure him that it wasn't so bad.

"Sure 'bout that?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah." You lied. "Eatin' some breakfast will probably make it better." You were really bad at lying but you thought you sounded convincing. You sat down and ate the cereal and read the newspaper. You could feel George observing you carefully but you didn't look up to face him.

You finished your bowl and stood up to go and put your bowl in the dishwasher. The problem was that you stood up a bit to fast. You got dizzy and your knees started failing on you. You grabbed the table for support and you let out a quiet growl.

When George saw this he flew up from his seat and grabbed you instantly.

"You sure it's just a headache?" He said worriedly but still chuckling a bit to himself.

"Yeah, I just rose a bit to fast, that's all." You said not so convincing. You really felt like shit and could throw up any minute but you really wanted to go to work.

"Okay then." He said releasing you. You were surprised that he didn't say anything more than that. George always questioned you until he got the information he wanted. He wouldn't give up that easy. 

You continued cleaning up breakfast. George eyeing you like a hawk. 

You went back to your bedroom. 'Damn it's freezing' you thought and put on a warm sweater. 

Suddenly George appeared in your bedroom doorframe with a thermometer in his hands. 'Can't get away now' you thought and sighed looking at him with a "seriously" look.

"Shouldn't be a problem if you're not sick." He said smirking. 

You were defeated but still tried to get out of it.

"Please, I'm not a baby. I assure you, I am not sick!" You tried.

"Prove it then!" He said gesturing the thermometer. He knew you were stubborn and didn't want to be stuck at home but you shouldn't go to work if you are sick.

"Okay..." You gulped, but before you could take it your body started to give up on you again. You started to fall but two steady arms got the hold of you before you even got close to hit the floor.

"I've got you!" He said and lifted you up and brought you to bed. "I've already called your job and informed them that you are ill." He said wrapping up the covers around you. 

"But...but..." You tried to get out of the bed but he stopped you.

"Shhh. Just accept it Y/N. You're ill!" 

"But I really need to go to work!" You gave up resisting.

"No, you don't. You need to be in bed. Resting. And then maybe, you could go to work on Wednesday." He said kissing your forehead.

"But that is in two days!" You said pouting. You were really acting like a child.

"I can make it the whole week if you want to." He said walking out of the bedroom. "I'll be back. Just gonna get some painkillers for you." He said.

He turned around right before he stepped out. "Stay. Here. It's for your own sake." He said firmly and went out.

You considered sneaking out but just thought of how childish that would make you look. Not going to work wasn't really worth it.

He came back with some pills, water and a cup of tea. Of course, he had the thermometer with him as well. He took your temperature and looked at the result. 

"39,8 degrees Celsius. No way you're gettin' out today." He said handing you the water and pills. He hugged. "But no worries love. I will take good care of you."  "I love you Y/N. Even though you're so stubborn." 

You laughed a bit "I love you too, Georgie. Thank you. I appreciate it." "Sorry for ruining your day off."

"Ruining it? I get to take care of the one I love the most. How can that ruin anything? Don't worry about it. I'll let you rest now. I'm just goin' to try and write some songs alright? Call me if you need me. Food or just a talk. Anything, okay?" He said and kissed your forehead.

"Alright." You said and finally closing your eyes.

"I'll leave the door open then, so I can hear you." "Sleep tight." And with that, he left the room and you drifted off to sleep with the sound of George fiddling with his guitar. 

You really had the sweetest boyfriend ever.

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