#14 Pneumonia

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A/N So I wrote this quite a while back now but thought I might as well release it. The story mentions McHarrison just to warn ya...


"Y/N!! It's time for dinner!"

"*Cough, cough* Coming in just a sec!" You yelled down the stairs as you were heading to the dining room.

A few moments later you found yourself sitting beside Paul McCartney,  your dad's "new" husband, eating some vegetarian food that you were not really in to. Your dad, George Harrison, sat on the opposite side of the table talking enthusiastically about a new song he started writing on today. Paul, of course, was listening with just as much enthusiasm while you, on the other hand, tried to keep yourself from having yet another coughing attack. That turned out to be pretty meaningless since you ended up having the worst coughing ever.

"Are you okay, honey?" Your dad asked after being interrupted by your coughing. 

"I am *cough* fine." You said after drinking some water.

"That cough of yours doesn't sound very good." Paul said.

"I'm probably just experiencing a bad cold." You said, shoving food into your mouth to prevent yourself from coughing again. "It will be over in a few days."

"Haven't you said that for several days now?" Your dad asked. "You should definitely have that checked up. I can call the hospi..."

"Ohh, I don't think that will be *cough* necessary." You said reassuringly. "It will probably be better tomorrow. Thank you for dinner, it was lovely. If you excuse me..." 

You stood up and brought your plate to the kitchen. 

"She should really have that cough checked." Paul said to your father continuing to eat. "Could be pneumonia or something." 

"Yeah, you're right. I'll take her tomorrow." He said with a hopeless tone.  "Easier said than done though..."

"Why doesn't she want to go to the hospital? I would have thrown myself into a hospital bed, demanding medicine on the dot if I was her." Paul said.

"Well..." Your dad said looking through the kitchen doorway to see if you were listening. "Ever since I told her about how her mother sadly passed away giving birth to her because the doctors thought it was more important to save her life than her mother's, she has refused to even get close to a hospital. She even had a hard time to go and visit her grandma when she was sick. I had to literally drag her there and after like ten minutes she went out to the car again." Your dad said quietly so you would not hear because the last thing he wanted was to upset you.

You, however, didn't hear anything of their conversation at all due to another coughing. 'I hate this...' you thought as you walked to your room.

You got changed and ready for figure skating class which started in an hour. You were convinced that you weren't sick and therefore, a practice wouldn't be a problem. You started to pack your bag with the stuff you needed but realized that you couldn't find your skating jacket or gloves anywhere. You went downstairs to find them in the laundry room, so you packed them in the bag as well and started putting on shoes and a jacket which led to the next problem...

"Where are my *coughing*..." You said walking towards the kitchen where your dad was. "Where are my *coughing*..." You tried again. "Where are my...car keys?" You said with the last part a little louder to be able to finish the sentence.

"I haven't seen them, I'm afraid." Your dad said as he started doing the dishes. "Where do you think you're going anyways?" He looked up.

"It's Tuesday." 

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