#6 Thunderstorm

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[A/N: Hey everyone reading this. I just wanted to tell you that this part is really crap. Read at your own risk but don't be too harsh on me, please. Sorry folks...]

Imagine a big thunderstorm over whole England. You and your boyfriend, George Harrison, of six months had just moved together in a little apartment in London. You knew pretty much everything about each other since you've been friends since kindergarten. 

You were a girl who wasn't really afraid of anything. You were tough and didn't take anyone's shit. You only had one thing you were afraid of. Thunder. You hated it. What if the lightning would strike at you? At your house? You would be killed in an instant. And the thunder was so loud and unexpected that you almost got a heart attack when you heard it. Counting seconds between the lightning and thunder only made you hyperventilating. 

Of course, you weren't proud of this fear but you couldn't defeat it. You wouldn't let anyone know though...not even George. You were so embarrassed about it.

If we go back to the story, you knew it was going to be a thunderstorm. Of course, it had been thunderstorms before but then you had lived at your own house or been in school or at work. Now you were in your own apartment with George. Would you survive? Would George stop loving you if he knew? Will he think you are a coward?

You sat and ate dinner in the kitchen. You had a nice small talk and spoke about how the day had been. George talked very enthusiastically about how the band had started to record their third album and how they were going to make a film and everything. You were so happy for them. You had known all of the guys for a long time and they really deserved it. You had always known they were going to be famous.

You finished your meals and George insisted on helping with the dishes. 

"Ohh, please I insist. You always do the dishes, let me at least help you." George said.

You finished up pretty quickly with George's help and you decided to watch the telly for a while before bed. As always, George had his snacks with him.

"You want some?" 

"Sharing? Is that a new thing Hazza?" 

"What? Can't I be nice and share a snack with my girlfriend? If I share with the other guys they will end up eating the whole bag and I wouldn't get any. You wouldn't do that would you?"

"To be fair, that's probably true. And no I wouldn't do that because I have manners."

"Sooo...do you want some or what?"

"I think I'll pass thank you." You said smiling.

"Fine, waste this golden opportunity. It might not come again."

"I'll remember."

You sat quite a while in front of the TV and cuddled and the clock struck 11.

Right then, a loud rumble came from outside that made you jump from where you sat and George did the same since it was so unexpected.

"And there is the thunderstorm we've been waiting for." He said starting to get up. "Maybe it's time for bed, I have work tomorrow." He stretched standing and then another rumble of thunder could be heard.

"Yeah, it's for the best." You said nervously. "I'm coming in a few minutes, go ahead." You continued and George started to walk towards your bedroom.

"Don't wait for too long though. I can't sleep without my teddy." He said referring to you. You really wanted to go and sleep but you couldn't. You remained in the sofa watching the telly. The thunderstorm starting to get really bad and rain had started to pour as well. 

You hugged your knees and started rocking back and forth. 'I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die.' you thought to yourself. You were scared to death but you didn't want to admit it.

20 minutes later George came looking for you.

"Y/N? Are you coming?" George asked tiredly. "It's starting to become quite a storm outside and..." 

George came into the living room and saw you on the couch hyperventilating.

"What's happenin' honey? Are you okay? What is it?" George said worriedly and embraced you. He stroked your hair and dried off the tears that had started to roll down your cheeks.

"Tell me." He looked into your eyes and held your hands. You stopped crying for a bit.

"It's...It's very silly." You said with a light ironic chuckle.

"I don't care if it's silly, which it probably isn't, I want to know what makes you upset." 

Right then another lightning struck and a roar of thunder surrounded the room. You got scared again and pulled your hands away from George's and covered your ears. You started crying again.

"Shhh, stop crying. I'm here nothin' is gonna hurt ya."

You calmed down and started to breathe normally again. It was a moment of silence until George spoke up.

"You're afraid of thunder?" He asked a bit surprised.

You nodded but didn't say anything. 

"Really?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Yes! If you're gonna make fun of me just get over with it." You said a bit upset.

"No NO, of course, I'm not gonna make fun of you! It's just that, I mean, we've been friends since like forever and I've always tried to figure out your what you are afraid of. No one is fearless y'know but I couldn't find anything you were afraid of. I mean, you're so tough and you're the strongest person I know. I had no clue." George said. "Why didn't you tell me though? You know I wouldn't tease you about it."

"I don't know. I think it's more about how I try to deal with it myself. I don't want to show my weakness but this...this is just the worst. I don't even know why I'm afraid."

"Please stop feeling that way. You're not weaker because of your fear. Everyone has it, it's  human."

"Ohh, we're getting in the deep stuff now." You said to lighten up the mood a bit. 

"Haha, yeah and the time is just running away." You looked at the clock and realized it was half-past twelve. "I'll protect you, love. Come to bed, you need to sleep." He took your hand and helped you up from the sofa. "And I do as well."

Another thunderstrike could be heard and you quickly buried your face in George's chest with your arm around him. He stroked your hair and kissed your forehead.

"It's nothing to be afraid of. I promise." He said reassuringly and you slowly released him.

"Let's sleep." You said and the two of you walked to the bedroom. You both got comfortable in bed and you snuggled up to George. 

"I'm not gonna let anyone or anything hurt you on my watch, baby." He said quietly and kissed your forehead. 

"Thank you, Georgie! But don't mention this to Lennon. He won't stop teasing me about it."

"I promise by heart, love."

"Goodnight George."

"Goodnight Y/N."

After that, you got a good night sleep, with George protecting you from the thunderstorm and the next morning you woke up to a clear and sunny September morning.

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