#11 Dating Troubles

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You and George had been married for a long time. Having been best friends in your younger years, later drifted apart and at last finding your ways back together. The Beatle days were over, even though everyone remained friends. Life was just great in every way.

In January 1970, you and George had a daughter and you decided to name her India. She was absolutely beautiful and had a mixture of features from both George and yourself. You loved being a mom, just as much as you knew George loved being a dad. You knew parenting was not going to be easy and that you would face many problems during the way, but it would also bring you new adventures and hopefully, some grandkids.

As the years went by, India soon enough grew into a teenager, and maybe a little too soon for George. She had always been very mature for her age and made good decisions for herself. After some time, the day every father fears came. She became very interested in a certain boy, and George was anything but calm when he found out...


"Hi, mum! I'm home!" You heard India call out after slamming the front door shut.

"Hi, honey! Had a great day at school?" You asked.

"It was just wonderful!!!!" She chimed with a big smile plastered on her face as she came into the kitchen where you were currently trying to cook some dinner. "What's for dinner?"

"Rice and Curry."

"That sounds lovely mum!" She enthusiastically said hugging you from the side.

"Doesn't it?" You said and started pouring rice into the boiling water. India remained beside you and leaned against the counter behind her. She looked as if she wanted to say something but remained quiet, still with a smile on her face.

"What is making you so happy then?" You finally asked out of curiosity.

"I thought that you would never ask." She said sounding relieved. "You know that guy I've been talking about?"

"Hmmm...Harry was his name right?" You said continuing with the cooking.

"HE FRIKKIN ASKED ME OUT, MUM!! ON A DATE!! TOMORROW!!" She screamed happily jumping up and down, not being able to stand still and startling you in the process. "Mum please can I go? I can't miss this!! It is the man of my dreams, you know that! Don't make me ask dad, he will completely freak out. Please, mum."

"That sounds great honey! I'm sure he is a great guy from what you have told me. Of course, you can go on the date. Just make sure that you are home on time. I can't save you from your dad otherwise."

"Of course mum. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" She shouted while giving you a hug, then running up the stairs to her room.

"What was that all about?" George said having appeared in the kitchen on his way over to me.

"Ohh, nothing much." You said with a huge grin on your face. "Just girl talk, y'know."

He looked at you with confusion and simply said:

"I will never fully be able to understand women."

"That's probably for the best." You chuckled and gave him a quick peck on his lips before giving him three plates. "Here, set the table, will you?"


A few weeks later during breakfast...

"Mum, Dad, is it okay if I invite Harry over for dinner. I would really like both of you to meet him."

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