#16 Insecurities (TW!)

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⚠️!WARNING!⚠️ Might be triggering, eating disorder mentioned (a lot).

Per usual-George is your dad, you are his teenage daughter.

Y/B/F/N=your best friends name

You locked yourself in the bathroom. Tears were running down your cheeks as you looked at yourself in the mirror. Nothing looked right. The only thing you saw was flaws and imperfections. You had to do it. It made you feel something. You knew you shouldn't but you made yourself feel sick. 

It was hard to do it the first time, but now it was a routine. Bending over the toilet, putting two fingers down the throat. Sometimes you didn't even have to that, and just the thought of food made you sick. 

So far you'd been able to hide it. Excusing yourself to the bathroom after meals or just simply say that you ate somewhere else and wasn't hungry even if that was a lie.

You flushed the toilet, wiped the tears away and went back into your room. You hated yourself for it but if you didn't do it you couldn't concentrate.

Suddenly there was a knock on your door.

"Hey, ummmm it's dad. Can I come in?"

"What do you want?"



He opened the door and walked in searching for you and his eyes landed on your bed where you were currently lying trying to get through the what felt like a never-ending book for school.

He shuffled to you slowly and seemed to be...nervous or anxious about something. You looked up at him with a confused expression.

"Did you want something?"

Avoiding your question he asked

"What are you readin'?" He sat himself down beside you on the bed.

"Well, I'm trying to read this incredibly long and boring book for school. Usually, I would not have read it, but I have to since we're going to write an essay about it."

"Sounds fun." He simply answered caught up in his thoughts once again.

You looked up at him with a face of curiosity and closed the book, sitting up straight from the lying position you'd been in.

"Well, if you're just going to sit there I-"

"Look, Y/N, we need to talk." He said with a serious tone in his voice.

"About what? Have I done something?" 

"When was the last time you ate?" 

Taken back with his question you simply replied

"You know that. I ate dinner a while ago."

"Do you mean that you ate the plate that is now in the trash?" Your dad questioned looking at you firmly.

"I was full, so I couldn't eat all of it."

"What about yesterday?"

"Well, I was at Y/B/F/N and his mom asked if I wanted to eat with them so I did." You lied.

"Why didn't you say so when you came home?"

"You didn't ask!" You argued a little bit annoyed with his questioning.

"Fine, I was just checkin' alright." He put his hands up in the air. "I get so caught up in work right now and I never get to see you anymore."

"It's fine dad. I know you have a lot to do."

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