#17 Stormy night

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🌈🌂⚡☔Short one☔⚡🌂🌈

It was a stormy night and George was home alone with his four-year-old daughter Paula who he had put to sleep quite a while ago. He was currently watching TV when the loud sound of thunder spread in the house.

And there is the storm we've been waiting for...

He decided to head to his bedroom since he almost fell asleep in front of the TV before he was awoken by the thunder. He changed to his pyjama and got ready for bed, but before he got into bed he decided to check up on his daughter.

He carefully slid the door to his daughter's room open and peeked inside. She was asleep but twisted and turned.

I wonder what you're dreaming of. He thought as he went inside and stroke her back a few times which made her calm down.

"I love you so much" he whispered and placed a kiss on her forehead before sneaking out and going to sleep.

A few hours later, the storm reached its peak. The thunder got really loud and heavy rains fell from the sky. This, however, didn't bother George at all. He slept like a log, Paula, on the other hand, shot awoke from the loud noises of the storm. This, of course, was followed by soft crying, which increased to a deafening one. But daddy George never came.

Paula was terrified of thunder but since she was asleep when it started, so George didn't give a thought about it.

Paula got up from her bed and started walking towards George's bedroom with a teddy in her arms. She struggled to get the door open with her constant need to cover her ears when another lightning struck.

After a while of struggling, she got into the bedroom sniffling. She sniffled a bit louder hoping that George would wake up, but he didn't. To get his attention she started to gently shake him in his sleep.

"Daddy, wake up. Wake up, please." She started out whispering but got louder as she began to cry again.

"Wha- what is it luv?" George stirred awake and looked sleepily at his daughter. 

"I can't slee-ep." She said crying, tears now finding it's way down her cheeks.

"C'mere." George said as he lifted her onto his bed and hugged her. "Why are you cry-" He began but his question was answered when another lightning struck, which made Paula bury herself into George's chest.

"Oohh luv, it's nothing to be afraid of. It's just a thunderstorm. I'm sure it will be over soon." He spoke but Paula just shook her head while clinging on to George's night-shirt. "Calm down, Paula. Scccchhhh..." George stroked her back while holding her close to his chest.

Her breathing started to calm down and the crying turned into sniffling instead.

"Can I sleep with you daddy? Please?" She said looking up at him.

"Don't you want to go back to your own bed and try going back to sleep again?" As on cue, the rumbling sound of thunder could be heard which made Paula bury herself under the covers.

"I guess not then. Well, it was worth a try anyway." He said sighing. He laid down and wrapped his arms around his daughter and pulled her close once again.

"Good night, daddy." Paula said sleepily as she moved into a comfortable position in George's arms.

"Good night, Paula. I love you so much baby."

"I love you too, daddy."

And the two of them slept well for the rest of the night.

Wrote this sooooo long ago...but now it's posted anyways, hope you liked it! Thank you so much for reading as always! Love y'all!❤❤❤

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