#7 Sleeping

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You sat in front of the TV watching some strange movie about something you weren't really interested in. The clock was almost half past 11 and you were very sleepy. 

George, you're boyfriend was late again, but it was his job. He and the lads had to record their new album and if it was going to be any good a lot of work had to be done. 

He usually wasn't this late and normally you would have gone to bed even if he weren't home but today you couldn't sleep or really, you didn't want to. 

You had worked all day since you were a dance teacher at a school and you were usually really exhausted after a day with kids of all ages running around but not today. The only thing you wanted was George and he wasn't here. 

You were pretty stressed because it was a lot going on in your life and to be a Beatle's girlfriend wasn't always the easiest.

'Where is he?' you thought and went to your apartment window to look out for his car. You sighed and went back to the couch and cuddled yourself up in a blanket and some pillows. 

The TV had now changed to a documentary about whales. "Why not?" You said to yourself. 

You watched for a couple of minutes and started to drift to sleep.

"The whales can communicate b..." You could hear from the TV but then you were fast asleep. Snoring. Very loud. You always snored when you were stressed out.

Suddenly there was someone outside the door fiddling with their keys. Dropping their keys. "Fuckin' hell!" you could hear and the person picked them up. Of course, it was George and you would have known if you wouldn't have been asleep. 

He opened the door quietly and stepped inside. "Hi, honey. Are you awake?" He said not too loud if you were asleep. And you were, in fact, asleep. 

He stepped inside and heard your light snoring. He chuckled a bit and put his jacket and things aside and went to the living room where you were sleeping on the couch. 

He saw you and a big smile grew on his face. He turned off the TV and just stared at you for a few minutes before he leaned in and kissed your forehead. As he did you, in your sleep, grabbed one of his legs so he couldn't leave. 

He jumped a little at your sudden moving but just struggled out of your grip and hurried to the bedroom to change into pajamas.

"Don't leave!" You said in your sleep but continued to snore. 

George came back to you and chuckled once again but this time for how you looked while you were sleeping. Your hair was all over your face and you hugged your pillow since you had no Georgie-bear to hug. 

He put the pillow aside and crept into the place where the pillow had been. He cuddled himself up beside you and kissed your forehead again.

"I love you" he whispered and went drifted to sleep.

You hadn't had this good of a sleep in weeks.

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