#3 Best Dad

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You were asked out by your boyfriend of six months, Pete. You were going to a restaurant on the other side of town, so he would pick you up and drive you there. 

Your dad, George Harrison, wasn't very keen on this boy. You hadn't told him that Pete wasn't treating you very good and had hit you a couple of times, but your dad probably started to figure that out. 

If you got bruises, you covered them with make-up and wore long sleeve shirts so no one could see. You really really loved Pete with all your heart and knew that the way he treated you wasn't okay. But you didn't want to leave him. You felt like you were nothing without him. 

You were in your room and got dressed. You put on a red flowy dress and red high heels. You curled your hair and put some make-up on. You looked very pretty. 

You took one last glance in the mirror and went downstairs where you said goodbye to your dad.

"I'm leavin' now dad!" you shouted when you opened the front door.

"Okay, darlin'. Have fun and be home at 11. Don't do anything stupid." Your dad came into your view and looked at you with a protective look on his face.

"I'll try. Bye!" You gave him a peck on his cheek and went out to Pete's car. Your dad stayed in the door-opening with crossed arms.

"You better, honey..." He waved goodbye to you and Pete. 


The car ride took about twenty minutes and you had some small talk in the car. When you arrived Pete had reserved a table. 

The dinner was very romantic and the food...AMAZING! Pete could really be a lovely guy sometimes. 

He paid for the dinner even if you insisted that you could pay for yourself. He took your hand and dragged you to his car but you didn't go in. He pushed you against the car so you leaned against it. He grabbed your hips and kissed you very roughly. 

"Mmmhh..." was all you could say. You didn't resist but it felt a little uncomfortable. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you into the backseat of the car.

Now you were getting scared. 

He started pulling your dress and you knew what he wanted. 

"Honey, no. I don't want to." You tried but he continued.

"PETE I DON'T WANT TO!" You screamed and tried to shrug him off of you. 

"But you need to pay me for the dinner, dear. This is the perfect way." He said and his grip was getting harder and he tried to kiss you again.

You started to kick him.

"GET OFF OF ME!" you yelled and succeeded to open the car door but he was still in the hold of you. He started to get really angry now.

"Come on, babe. You know you want it!" He didn't release you and tried to kiss you again and held you down. 

You felt yourself gaining strength and kicked him really hard his stomach which made him release his grip for a second.

"Bitch! Are you stupid?" He said with his angry dominant voice. You didn't care and almost succeeded to escape, with half of your body outside the car, when he grabbed your wrists again.

"You're not goin' anywhere, love." He smirked and slapped your face. You felt the heat from his hand on your cheek and how your nose started to bleed a little. You had to get away. You started to cry hysterically.

"Shhh shh, love. I'm gonna be gentle." He said and kissed you again. He was really stupid and had some serious problems. 

You were pretty much defeated by now. You were going to get raped by your own boyfriend. You finally stopped fighting and instead of lying down you both sat up facing each other. He had a grip around your waist.

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