#4 Car Crash

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"You goin' out?" Your dad, George Harrison, asked you from downstairs.

"Ye, just me and some friends." You said as you made your way downstairs.

You were going to a small "party" somewhere in the woods with your friends. It was a bit out of town so you were going to drive there and you were very excited. You had gotten your drivers license just a few months ago so you weren't the most experienced driver yet. But you hadn't crashed. Yet at least...

"Where? Shall I drive ye there?" George asked as he came into your view.

"No, I'll drive." You said.

"Are ye sure? It very dark and the weather isn't the best. The road could be very slippery." He said worriedly.

"Yeah, but I'll be careful. And I'm picking up Atticus as well so I'm not going to be alone." You pointed out so he would be less worried.

"Okay. But please, if something happens, call me. I can pick ye up." He said pretty determinedly. "And if ye happen to...accidentally...drink anything with alcohol..." He paused and looked at you with an angry face "...don't drive for god's sake."

"I'm not stupid dad." You said starting to get dressed in the hall.

"Hhhhmm...not the right answer love. No alcohol for someone that's under eighteen." He crossed his arms.

"I know..." You said not really focusing on what he said. Instead, you started looking for your car keys.

"Y/N!" George said as you looked up at him. He held your car keys up over his head. "Listen to me when I speak to ye. I don't want ye to end up in some ditch beside the road."

"Sorry...I'll promise not to drink anything and drive carefully." You sighed. "Can I get me keys now. I don't want to be late."

You loved your dad but he could be very overprotective sometimes and a bit annoying.

He lowered the keys so you could reach them but when you were about to grab them he pulled them up again.

"I didn't hear please..." He said smirking.

"Can't ye just give 'em to me?" You said very frustratedly.

He just looked at you. 'Not a good time to challenge him' you thought and gave in.

"Can I PLEASE have my car keys??!"

He finally gave them to you and you were about to leave when he grabbed your arm.

"Yeah??!" You said a bit angrily.

"Have fun dear." He gave you a small kiss on your forehead and released you. "Don't be out too late!" He said but you were already closing the door.

'Finally!' you thought.

You jumped into your orange Mini Cooper and drove to your best friend Atticus house.

"Hey! Sorry, I'm late. My dad, y'know..."

"Mr. Harrison doesn't want his little precious baby to have fun?" He teased and got into the car.

"Yeah, yeah...tease me as much as you want." You said and started to drive toward the woods.

"Ye know where we goin'? Because I don't." He said.

"I kinda know I guess." You answered. "But I don't know if I will be able to find it when it is so dark."

"Want a cigarette?" He pulled a package out from his jacket.

"I don't know, do I dare?" You asked laughing a bit but your eyes were still on the road the whole time.

He lit one up for you and handed it over.

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