#18 Accidents Happen

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Imagine this with whoever you want as your dad really. Mentions Beatles in like one line though but otherwise it can be anyone you'd like. I, as always, imagined George but do as you please. (Yes, I have a weird obsessive fantasy about George Harrison being my dad, thanks for noticing;))


It's nothing, it's just in your head Y/N. You thought as you laid in your bed twisting and turning.

We always use protection. It's nothing really. Your period can be a little late sometimes. It's completely natural. You tried to ensure yourself.

You're not pregnant Y/N.

You threw off the covers, dressed up and went down the stairs for some breakfast.

"Morning sweetie! Slept well?" Your dad cheerily asked, sitting by the kitchen table, reading the newspaper.

"Uhmmm yeah really good..." You lied sounding a little uncertain. The thoughts from last night spun around in your head and it was all you could think about.

"Any plans for today?" He asked curiously.

You are not pregnant. You are not pregnant. You thought not even hearing his question.

"Y/N?" He looked up at you and put the newspaper aside.

"What?!" You snapped.

"I asked if you had any plans for today." 

"Oh sorry, umm no I don't think so. Maybe I'll swing by Harry's later but I don't really know. How so?"

"No, I just wanted to check so I know where you are if you happen to disappear. Sometimes I spend far to much time in the garden to even know what you're up to." He smiled and got up to clean his dishes.

"Mmm..." You said once again not really focusing on your dad's talking.

"Are you okay Y/N? You seem very distracted."

"Yeah, me? I'm fine...just...tired." You said as you sat down and dug into your bowl of cereal.

After a few spoonfuls of cereal, you felt an urge to throw up, so you ran to the nearest bathroom.

It's fine Y/N you are just sick. Nothing to be worried about.

About a minute later you heard the steps of your dad walking towards the bathroom.

"Are you okay l- Oh, love...are you sick?" Your dad said standing in the doorway. "You should have told me and I would have-"

"Yeah, yeah I'm ill. That's what's going on. I'll go to bed and rest for a while I think." You interrupted and got up quickly, walking past him and towards your room.

"Oh okay." He said backing off. "Tell me if you need anything."


Just buy one and make sure. It's just in your head.
You went into the pharmacy and picked up a load of different pregnancy tests. When you were about to pay, the cashier looked at you with sad eyes.

"It's for a friend." You told her, handed her the money hastily and went home again.

At home, you instantly ran up the stairs and into the bathroom locking the door. Your hands were shaking and you were scared to death. But you had to be sure that you weren't pregnant.

You followed the instructions carefully and waited for the results. The suspension was killing you.

The first one was negative and you could feel your pulse slowing down immediatly.

Just like I thought. It's all in your head, it's just an illusion. You were so relieved until you decided to take a look at the rest of the tests.





You froze looking at the sticks not wanting it to be true and your pulse sped up again. You felt disgusted with yourself. How could you have let it happen? You turned around throwing up in the toilet from the state of shock you were in when there was a knock in the door.

"Y/N? Is that you? Are you okay in there?"

Shit, shit, shit, shit.

"Yeeah, I'm okay." You said tears rolling down your cheeks.

"Are you sure? You don't sound very well."

You continued to cry and could not even bear to answer his question.

"Are you crying, love? Please let me in. I just want to make sure you're okay."

The tears just continued to fall. You had ruined your life. You'd have to live on the street. Imagine the headlines Beatle daughter pregnant at sixteen.

"Please? Y/N, if you're hurt I need to know. And if you've done something stupid just tell me. I won't be mad. And-"

He was interrupted by you slowly opening the door.

"You promise you won't get mad?" You said with tears still streaming down.

"What have you done now?" He sighed and brought you in for a tight hug.

"So-some-thing really stupid. I'm sorry. I-We were careful I swear! I didn't know-"

"We? What are you talking about Y/N?" He said releasing the hug, looking at you confused.

"I- I- Well, I-" You took a deep breath and went back into the bathroom. It was too painful to tell him. You just wanted to run away and hide for the rest of your existence. So instead of telling him, you simply picked up one of the small sticks that had been thrown on the floor and held it in front of him.

He looked at the stick, then back at you, then at the stick again.

"Are you- you are pregnant?" He carefully said not having prepared for it.

"I'm really sorry dad. I swear we've used protection every time. I didn't know it was going to happen. Please don't throw me out on the street. I will fix this...I can start working and-" You broke down again and covered your face with your hands. You couldn't look at him, you knew he was disappointed, and not just that, you were disappointed in yourself.

You felt your dad embracing you tightly.

"Throw you out? In what world would I leave you in a situation like this?" He kept holding you, kissing your forehead. "It will be okay." You calmed down immediately and started to pull yourself together. "Have you told him?" He asked as he released you.

You shook your head and dried your tears. "No, I just found out myself."

"It's Harry, right? Who's the father?"

"Yeah." A small smile appeared on your face as you heard his name. "I need to talk to him"

"It's probably for the best." The both of you stood still looking at your feet thinking what to say next. 

"I-" You started but didn't get far until your father abrupted you.

"I can't say that I expected this, and I'm a little bit disappointed in you for not thinking ahead...but no matter what happens, what you choose and what happens between you and Harry, I will always be here for you. You have to remember that."

"I know." You whispered as you embraced him. "Thank you."

Even though you knew that you had full support from Harry, his family and your dad, you decided that it was best to wait. You had to go through an awful abortion that wore you out mentally more than anything. But you didn't feel ready and knew that it would be a tough life to live with your ambitions to finish higher education. This, however, only strengthened your relationship and you and Harry stayed together, marrying at 23 and having a cute little baby boy at 25.

Deeply sorry about the bad ending guys...

4K on my book!! Yay!!!! Thank you so much for reading!❤❤❤

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