#5 Pregnant?!

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George and you had been married for a few years now and you had just turned 26 years old.

The question about babies had always been around. Your mother had begged and begged for it to happen and was really pushy about it. 

George and you had decided to wait a bit, partly because of that both you and he were working, but also because you didn't know if you could take care of a baby or even have it. 

A couple of months ago you had been put in a hospital for 6 weeks because of stress. Since then you've not been very keen on eating and you had lost very much weight.  Therefore you are afraid that you can't have a child yourself which would disappoint both you and George. Also, since your mother never gave up on reminding you about it, you felt really bad.


One morning you got up at 10:00. You realized that you were alone in bed. You got up and went to the kitchen. You saw a note on the counter:

'Had to go early again...sorry...I didn't want to wake you up you looked so peaceful in your sleep. Don't know when I'll come home but I'll call. Have a wonderful day beautiful! Love U// George <3 P.S There is breakfast in the fridge for you XoXo'

You sighed and sat down on a bar chair and read the note. You smiled to yourself and just sat there and daydreamed for a couple of minutes. You went over to the turntable and put on the "Beatles for sale" album. You really loved that album even though it wasn't their best. 

You went over to the fridge and took the breakfast George had made and put it on the table. You didn't start working until 13:00 so you still had some time to spend at home.

George had made pancakes for you and for once, they weren't burned and you were really impressed by that. You poured yourself a glass of orange juice and started to eat your breakfast in peace to the music. 

Halfway through your breakfast, you started to feel sick. The feeling had been there all morning but you had tried to ignore it. You still tried but it was impossible. 

Suddenly you had the urge to throw up so you dropped the fork and ran to the bathroom. You threw up in the toilet and afterward you were just sitting on the bathroom floor breathing heavily. 

It is the fourth day in a row you had thrown up in the morning. You hadn't told Geroge and luckily he hadn't found out on his own either, then you would be at the hospital right now.

You sat on the floor quite a while and several thoughts spun around in your head. 'You didn't have any fever, no cough, no dizziness but still felt sick...NO.' You thought. 

You finally decided to call your best friend to ask for advice. You called Atticus. Friends since birth and the best part, he was gay. He was the one you could trash talk other people with and keep secrets with. He could surely help you.

You dialed his number and waited for him to answer.


"Hi! It's Y/N, I really need some help." You said directly without even ask how he was or anything.

"Y/N! What has happened? Are you okay? Has George left?" He said worriedly.

"No, George hasn't left, what are you talking about?!!"

"Okay, okay what is it then?"

"Well, I'm not exactly feeling so good."

"Tell me baby, what has happened?" 


"Yeah, go on!"

"I have felt very sick for a few days, morning sick, but I'm not ill and..." You started.

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