#12 Jealousy

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George and you had been best friends since forever. Your parents were very good friends and lived not too far from each other growing up. You hung out every day. One hour being at your place, the other at his. You had always loved him and will always love him, but in your teenage years, you fell for someone completely different...Dale. The hottest guy at school and the guy every girl talked about. He was just perfect. Strong arms, light brown fluffy hair, gorgeous blue eyes, kissable lips...

"Y/N!!!! Did you even hear what I just said?" George said waving his hands in front of your face.

"What?? Oh sorry George, I was just thinking again." You answered coming back to reality.

"Thinking about Dale again, are we?" He mocked you, raising his eyebrows.

"I was not!" 

"You don't have to lie, I could see the drool." He said with a smirk.

"I was NOT drooling." You said angrily.

"You were."

"Was not."

"You sure were... " He said. but regretted his words when you punched him hard in the shoulder. "Aaouch!! That hurt, Y/N!" George whined massaging his injured shoulder.

"Aww, come on! It wasn't even that hard, and besides, you surely deserved it." You said smirking, George sticking out his tongue.

"I don't even understand why you like that guy. He is a douche and he is probably swapping girlfriend every week." George said standing up from having been seated at the edge of your bed.  

"So, what? Can't you at least dream about how perfect this guy is? I mean, look at him. He is absolutely gorgeous!" You said dreamily falling back onto your bed looking at the ceiling. "And how would you even know that? We don't exactly know him and in my dreams, he surely is not a douche." You said once again thinking of his perfect smile. "Besides, it's not like I would ever be his girlfriend." You sat up again snapping out of your dreams.

"Why? You like him, don't you?" George asked sitting down once again.

"Yeah, but his way out of my league...I mean, I'm not even pretty. Not on his level, anyway."  You sighed and looked at the floor.

"Well, that's bullshit!" George said angrily and took your hands in his. "Y/N you're one of the prettiest girls in all of Liverpool, and I should know since I've grown up here. And not just that, you're smart, kind, funny, thoughtful and loving. What more could a guy ask?" 

"Really?" Your eyes lit up. "You think so?"

"Of course Y/N! You're totally beyond his league." His face reddened, but he still sounded confident until...

"So what are you saying, George?" You asked with hope.

Maybe he likes me, maybe he'll ask me out, maybe... 

"What I'm saying is...I mean...I think you should..." He looked up at you and sighed. "...ask him out. If you love him." He finally said releasing your hands looking the other way. Your smile that once had been on your face slowly disappeared.

"You think so, Geo? You're okay with it? I mean, you're like more than my BEST FRIEND." You said a little bit disappointed after what he said.

"Yeah, of course!" He said faking a smile. "No one else is in line, right?"


You finally asked Dale out! And he said yes! In fact, you two had been together for exactly 2 weeks now and sure you were happy, but was it really love? George and you had become distant, he was only hanging out with his band all the time. You had tried to talk to him at school, but he just shrugged you off. You did not know what you had done wrong. Life was not the same without him. You decided that you had to solve this. You needed your best friend.

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