#19 First Period

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Hi guys! Long time no see...I have a bunch of unfinished drafts that I feel need to be finished, so here is one of them ;)


"Owww." You sat up in your bed hugging your stomach. It hurt so bad and you assumed it could only be but one thing. Oh, how you wished that your mom was here. She would understand and know what to do. Unfortunately, she was not home. She was visiting your sick grandparents and wouldn't be home for several days, but the last thing you wanted to do was to ask your dad for help.

You got up from your bed slowly and looked at the mattress where you had been sleeping. 


Your first period.

You had heard about periods from the other girls in class and from your mom, but you were terrified. What if I am dying? How do you know that it's your period and not something else? I need my mum. You thought and tears started to roll down your cheek. Maybe I can call her without dad having to know?

You opened the door to your room as quietly as you could and peeked your head out. The coast was clear. You continued sneaking down the stairs towards the kitchen where the phone was.

The house was quiet, but not completely. The sound of someone strumming a guitar could be heard from the living room beside the kitchen.

You tried your best to walk as quietly as you could but of course, the floorboards squeaked louder than ever.

"Y/N? Is that you?" George, your dad, asked after a moment of complete silence.

"Umm...yeah." You sighed and made your way to the dark living room.

"What are you doing up this late love? You have school tomorrow."

You didn't answer him and just stood awkwardly in the door frame.

"Come 're." He said motioning for you to come and sit beside him. You shook your head and remained standing in the door frame. "Y/N? Is something wron-"

"Can I call mum?" You interrupted.

"Now? Look at the time, it is far too late a-"

"Please?" You pleaded with tears in your eyes.

"But Y/N, y'know that you can't call her now.  She's taking care of grandma and grandpa and they need peace and quiet. And she said to call only if there was an emergency, okay?" He said softly. At this, you started hysterically crying.

"Ohh don't cry honey." George got up from his seat and walked towards you to embrace you, but you pushed his arms away and stepped back.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" He stopped and put down his hands in defeat looking clueless. "You know you can tell me anything, Y/N!" You shook your head violently, more tears running down your face. "Y/N?"

"I WANT MUM TO COME HOME!" You cried like a two-year-old.

"You know I can't fix that, love. But if you tell me what's wrong, then maybe I can help you."

"I want mum..." You covered your face with your hands and ran up the stairs to your room and slammed the door. You buried yourself under the covers, hugging your knees and cried quietly.

George remained on the same spot still confused of your behaviour. Why couldn't you tell him what was wrong? Why were you so upset? He went up the stairs and decided that he couldn't just leave you like that. He knocked carefully on your door.

"Y/N? Can you please let me in?"



When no answer came he decided to let himself in since you hadn't locked the door. He walked towards your bed and sat down on the edge.

"Why are you so upset love?" He said making circles on your back. 

"I-ii-it's no-nothing." You sniffled trying to stop the tears running from your eyes.

"Well, I can't really believe that, can I now?"

"Just-just leave me alone. I'll be fine." You said wiping your tears away with your hands, trying to pull yourself together. 

"Fine, fine? A minute ago everything didn't seem so fine." He said frustrated. 

"Yeah, I know. I-I just overreacted. That's all. But you can go back to whatever you were doing before because I am better now." You spoke hastily and stood up from the bed, something you realized far too late that you shouldn't have done. All you could do was look at the bloodstain on your bed and tears started to roll down your cheeks again.

"Oooh love. Just tell me what's the matter?" He started while embracing you. "Something is clearly wrong and- love?" He turned his head to see what you were staring at. Your face turned red as a tomato and you felt like dying. 

"Oh Y/N." He said warmly and embraced you once again. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, it's completely natural. Is it your first?" He asked, trying to get eye contact with you, which you returned with looking down at your feet.

You made a small nod, and the tears started pouring down even more. 

"Don't cry, love! I'll admit that I am not as qualified as your mom on periods but I promise to help you as much as I can." He said reassuringly. "Mom has explained it to you, right? As I said, it's completely normal. It only means that you're getting older and is growing into a beautiful woman."

You stopped crying but still felt so embarrassed. Your dad wasn't your mom but you knew he did his best to make the best of the situation.

"And hey, don't worry about the bed, I'll change it for you. All you have to do is just go take a warm shower and I promise you'll feel better. The things you need is in the cabinet remember? And if you need help just call and I'll do my best alright?" You nodded again remembering what your mom had taught you. "Afterwards, you and I deserve a little midnight snack, don't you think?" 

To answer, you simply hugged him and couldn't help but put a smile on your tear-stained face. "Okay. Thank you, dad. I love you." You said quietly and quickly went to the bathroom to clean yourself up.

"I love you too." George said being proud of how well both he and you handled the situation. 

The night ended with the both of you falling asleep on the couch after sharing a tub of ice cream while having heart to heart conversations about absolutely anything and everything.

As always, thank you soo much for reading! ❤️

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