#21 Pride

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"What are you doing here you little fag?"

"You're disgusting! You don't deserve to exist." The bully pushed him to the ground and he just tried to protect himself, tears started to roll down his cheeks. You who were just on your way out of the club the both of you had spent the night in, saw the horrible act that was happening and didn't even take a second to think before you rushed to protect him.

"What the fuck are you doing??! Are you out of you're fucking minds?!" You yelled at them.

"Oh look, it's Y/B/L/N knight in shining armour. I wondered when you were going to show up."

"Get lost will you. He hasn't done anything wrong."

"Oh let me see...NO. He is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen and I'd like to beat some sense in him."

"Oh yeah, is that so?"

"Come on now Harrison, don't try to be a hero. He is a man. He can stand up for himself."

"Come on Y/B/F/N let's just get out of here." You said to your best friend helping him off the ground.

"Ooohh I see, you're cowards, both of you. Can't stand up against me. I thought you were better Harrison, but I was wrong I guess. After all, your dad is just a big fraud. He doesn't want you as his daughter. It was all an accident and now he's stuck with you because your whore of a mom left to live a much better life without you. You're a burden, Y/N. Everyone knows it. Your mom didn't love you so how could your dad? I mean it's just sad when you look at it."

"Y/N he's just provoking you. Don't let him play with your-"

"What did you just say about me?" You turned around to face him with a death stare.

"You heard what I said Y/N. Nobody loves you! I mean I feel so sorry for your dad but we all know that he just wanted to get laid, and now he's stuck with you." You walked as close to him as you could and stared him dead in the eye.

"You can talk shit about me as much as you want. Spread rumours, do whatever you want, I couldn't care less. But talk shit about my family and friends, you certainly crossed a line there."

"Oh yeah. And what will you do about it? Run to daddy and cry about it?"

"I'm not the one crying." You said with a smirk and pushed him back.

"So that's the best you can do? Here let me show you." He threw his fist against your face and got a good hit right in your eye. He kept on trying to push you to the ground to let him have an advantage, but you had enough of it. Your face really hurt but now, you were mad. 

You got out of his grip and quickly threw a punch against his face that took him back a little, but the punch itself probably hurt your hand more than his face.

"Hahah you fight like a girl Harrison. Let's just finish this so that you both can go home crying your eyes out."

"Yeah let's finish this." You said and kicked him as hard as you could where it hurts the most which made him fall to the ground directly crying in pain.

"Don't mess with me, my family or my friends ever again. And yes I do fight like a girl, thank you for noticing." You said while he tried to get out of there as fast as he could, despite his pain.

"Your face Y/N, you're bleeding." 

"It's nothing really. Let's just get out of here." You said, quickly walking away with your bestie pacing behind.

"C'mon Y/N, you might have a concussion or something. I can call-" He caught up to you and stopped you by cutting you off.

"I'm fine, but I really hope that idiot isn't." You answered keeping your head down, trying to get past your friend. "What a disgusting rat, he should rot in hell. I hate homophobes-"

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