#13 The Water Broke

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You and George had been married for 2 years and had your first baby on the way. The pregnancy was like you expected, to be worse than you expected, but you weren't alone in this since you had a loving and supporting husband at your side. You were both thrilled to become parents and had fixed everything for its arrival that came a little sooner than expected.

It was two weeks left till your due date, which meant that the baby could come any time now, but you couldn't just sit around and wait for that, which worried George. However, you were invited to Paul and John's house [Yes McLennon here] and of course, you were going.

"If ye don't feel like it, we can stay home if ye like." George said while fixing his hair in front of the mirror in your bedroom. "They won't hold it against ye."

"I am fine George. And I am actually looking forward to going somewhere else than the garden just outside of our house." You said happily that you finally had a chance to get out of the house. Usually, the back pain and swollen feet didn't make anything else than inviting some friends over for tea sound like a good idea, but you needed a change in atmosphere.

"I was just checkin' Y/N. We're so close now, I'm so excited!"

"Yeah, me too! I am really looking forward to hours of labour and pain..." You sarcastically said patting your stomach. "Please, don't give mummy a hard time, will ye?"

"You're strong baby, ye will get through it. We will get through it. I am not goin' anywhere Y/N" He answered, knowing about your fear and anxiety for childbirth. "I love ye Y/N!" George kissed you softly and lowered himself to your stomach so he could 'talk' with your unborn baby. "We love mummy, don't we?" He placed a hand on your stomach and the baby kicked at the sound of his voice. "She is going to be a really good mum to ye, so be kind to her."

You smiled at their very one-sided conversation and tears started forming in your eyes. "I love both of you so much..."


"Ohh, come inside will ye! It's freezing outside." Paul beamed after hugging you with a little bit of difficulty. "John's inside fixing some tea and biscuit's for you in the kitchen that'll be ready soon."

"How nice of you! Thank you for inviting us over." You said handing your coat to Paul.

"Please, it's always nice to see you Y/N! And George, you're is just a tag-along I guess..."

"Haha, very funny Paul." George said after closing the door hanging his coat up.

Paul simply winked at you and motioned for you to follow him to the sitting room. "How many weeks left?"

"Two, but you never know. Can happen any day now."

"I am so happy for you two. The baby is going to be bloody gorgeous."

"Aww thank you Paul! You're gonna be a great uncle."

"I know!!! I have bought so many presents for this little guy. If you ever need a babysitter, you know where to find me."

After John arrived with the tea, the four of you had a great chat. You felt so relieved about being somewhere else but also felt extremely tired. You ended up on the couch resting while the boys went upstairs jamming and discussing some new songs for their upcoming album. You managed to sleep for a few minutes until your lower back started to hurt really badly. You slowly sat up and started making way for the bathroom because of your sudden need to pee. You stopped in the kitchen feeling a sharp pain in your lower belly. Fuck...you thought and leaned against the counter for support.

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