Chapter Thirty-Two

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Mason's POV

This was getting annoying.

There was a blonde in front of me, blocking my locker. She was wearing a jean skirt, a t shirt, and nothing else. No shoes and certainly no bra.

You can be damn sure there wasn't any respect here either.

I had to give it to her though. The flowers that were blooming on the side of her head were beautiful. Pity that she just wasn't for me.

No, I had another girl at home.

“Please move, Cerie” I groaned, thinking that I was going to be late.

Mrs. Block was going to kill me. Considering that she controlled water, and kept a huge blob of it with her at all times for easy manipulation, she might drown me for being late. She's already threatened me. Twice.

But Cerie didn't seem to care. She stood there with a pout, playing with a strand of hair.

“Tell me something Mason. Why do you let yourself get jerked around by your d!ck?” she asked, as if genuinely curious. I gritted my teeth.

This girl has no sense of boundaries. She knew about my relationship with Lottie. How, I had no idea. Maybe because I was clearly infatuated.

Either way, it was pretty bad. What if she told the pack? Lottie would flip!

Still, Cerie didn't know that Dean was in love with Lottie too. She just thought that they kinda pretended to be interested in each other for pack solidarity. That much I knew. She told me herself that she didn't believe Dean could settle for Lottie after having Lisa for a mate. Apparently, she was quite the beauty.

There was no way she was more beautiful than Lottie though. That wasn't possible. Not in my eyes.

But Cerie could think what she wanted. Made no difference to me.

She just needed to get the hell away from me.

After making her blatant interest in me clear, and after my constant rejection, she seemed like she was freaking stalking me. She shadowed me in every class we had together and was always at my locker during break. Just like magic, she was there.

With a lot of needling, and completely trashing Lottie, she had the answer she wanted.

I was already in love with the alpha of my pack.

So now she needled me for no apparent reason. Maybe she still wanted to get in my pants. I don't know but she was being a huge pain in the ass.

“Gotta go Cerie” I muttered, just leaving without my books.

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