Chapter Nine

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My heart beat so fast, so hard, I was surprised the Hunters didn't hear it. My breath came out in panicked pants. Mason held me tight and covered me mouth. His hands smelled like the woods, no big surprise since we were running for so long. My eyes filled with tears. We would die by the hands of Hunters. A fate no wolf wants, lacking as it did in dignity.

“Where?” the older sounding one asked.

“I see some tracks leading to that storage unit” the younger one said. I closed my eyes, waiting for them to open the door of this little space under the sink. Instead, their steps led away from us.

I think they went to the freezer, someone said through the pack link. We all jumped, for the slightest moment thinking someone had spoken out loud.

If they go inside, someone could just close the door on them while they are in there so we can all escape to the pack house, that person continued. We all looked at each other wearily. Who would be willing to risk it?

I'll do it, someone said. I froze, able to recognize that voice anywhere. I turned wide eyes to Mason's face.

NO! there is no way in hell I'm letting you do that, I shouted at him. Every wolf winced at my tone. Mason let me go gently, sitting me down next to one of the women and he opened the door the slightest crack.

Hold her, he told the women just as I was beginning to grab him. She did, her arms melting into pure iron when I tried to get away.

Damn it Mason!, I cursed, trying to free myself. The slightest, littlest bit of light came through and showed me the weak smile Mason gave me. He took one last look at me and than carefully got out, not making a single sound. We all waited with ill patience. By now tears were running steadily down my face. This day kept getting worst and worst. The woman gave me a kind look but it nothing to comfort me when I thought about big, loud Mason trying to sneak up on Hunters to let us escape. Little gasping noises kept coming out of my mouth, unbidden, a slight disturbance to the quiet air. A loud yell startled each and every one of us and even louder machine guns ran. A sob ripped itself from me. I heard running steps. Everyone looked panicked, some of the older wolves in their prime looking like they getting ready to fight for our lives. We never expected for Mason's grim face opening the door.

“Let's go before the Hunters get out” he said. It was enough to get us all moving. I got out and gave Mason a huge hug

“If you ever worry me like that again, you're sleeping on the couch” I told him, watching some wolves change and others just run out of the corner of my vision. Mason just gave me a mock horrified look before dragging me along.

“Hey! You there! Halt!” a Hunter called out, seeing all of trying to get the hell out of there. Gun shots rang out, hitting several people as they tried to leave. More Hunters joined the first one. We all ran into the rain before they could even see us, feeling the rain soak through our clothes instantly. It almost looked funny, people in wet fancy clothes running frantically for the place that had weapons and provisions. All alongside big wolves running just as frantically. Me and Mason ran as humans, not exactly seeing the reason for turning wolf. We were just about to the pack house when I felt it. A burning sensation ripped through me. I stumbled, clenching my chest. The feeling ripped through me several more times, making me gasp and than scream. I collapsed on the floor, clawing at the sidewalk. My body convulsed and I threw up, the thing coming out of my mouth red and frothy. Blood. I stared at it in horror, watching it stain my dress and cover my hands. Mason panicked me and threw my on his shoulders, running with my weight bringing him down. I kept throwing up blood and spasming, getting it all over his nice suit. He ran faster. Something new went through me, an incredible sense of loss and I felt as if my heart were being ripped out. When I could, I screamed. Mason staggered and held a hand to his chest. I was too saturated in pain to really notice. Wave after wave of agonizing pain slashed up my insides. I sobbed, trying to curl up to relieve some of the pain. I couldn't, still bouncing on Mason's shoulders. We got to the pack house in what seemed like hours but what were really mere minutes. He shouted for someone to help me, that he wasn't sure what was wrong with me. The pack doctor, Rachel, came over and I saw her kind eyes before passing out and managing to avoid a new flash of pain, starting anew.

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