Chapter Thirty-Five

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Lottie's POV

I appraised it proudly.

My little house was substantially smaller than what I was used to (even when my parent's house burned down, it was rebuilt to be pretty big) and I loved it for that reason. My parent's huge house was the thing that saved me from the same fire that killed them but it was suffocating to live in.

So this, just two bedrooms and one bath, was perfect.

The only thing that came next was arguing on who would live with me. The answer was neither of them and so that was where the argument lay.

Mason's parents, not overly attached as you can imagine, were perfectly content living in the pack house and I thought that Mason should get a room of his own.

It wouldn't look too good if he were to come live with me at my own little house. He could visit, and likely would be there all day, but moving in didn't seem like such a great idea.

Wolves were monogamous. I couldn't risk hostility just because fate decided I should have two mates. I wasn't letting go either of my men but I wasn't going to rock an already shaky boat.

We were barely getting established with each other here. I don't think it would be wise to make myself even more hated in their eyes.

And I couldn't let Dean move in with me if I wasn't going to let Mason move in. It just wasn't fair. I assumed he'd spend a lot of time at my house too though.

The boys were in our room when I got back. Mason was doing some homework on the bed and Dean sat in an armchair, reading.

It was nice and calm.

Time to ruin that.

"I think it's time I moved" I said, climbing up on the bed with Mason.

Both boys' heads snapped up.

Dean set aside his book and you better believe Mason threw his homework overboard with relish.

"Great. When do we move?" Mason asked around a yawn, grinning immediately after with a grin.

I gnawed on my lip.

"Mason, I was actually thinking that it might be better for you two to stay here" I said slowly, wincing as I said it.

He froze, large eyes suddenly panicked and terrified.

"What are you saying?" he asked.

"We'll still be together. I don't want you to doubt that. But I don't want the pack to suspect that we're up to something. You know how they would react if it were found out that I have both of you as mates. I would be completely undermined as an authority figure" I tried to reason but he only scoffed.

"We already practically live together. Don't you think they've realized that we all sleep in the same room every night? You don't think they already see that as abnormal? I think this is a nonissue" he said, laying across my legs. He gave me a winning smile while I tried not to gnaw off my bottom lip.

Was it true? Did we already let the cat out of the bag before even announcing anything?

Were we that transparent?

Still, it was clearly something that people knew but did not talk about. Flaunting it in their faces might not be the best thing to do. If we did, it would force the confrontation of the issue. I really thought that maybe it was something that people didn't think about. Moving in together would make them think.

I took a deep breath.

"Is that what you two really want? To live with me?" I asked him. He nodded instantly. Dean, who was unusually pale but said nothing, nodded too. He was more shaken I think, as opposed to Mason's knee jerk reaction.

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