Chapter Forty-One

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DEDICATED TO blonkie. Hope you like it, I wrote it after seeing your reading list.


So, I would reread chapter 11 to get a feel for the character Gina again. I don't really just want to tell you because I think it would give a bit too much away before you read it. Hopefully, you've forgotten how badly I used to write but yeah. It's harsh in those first few chapters. Don't be too harsh, please. Also, I'm kinda rushing the story line a bit because I want to finish. Continuity from these last chapters are not really going to be addressed here, except for the last chapter.

With that said, Enjoy :D


"So... We've not seen Mason around here much" Gina said quietly. She was sitting next to me at Dean's father's desk. She was helping with the paperwork that I finally had to face.

And let me tell you, paying the multitude of bills the two packs had accumulated. I couldn't do it alone. But Dean was busy. Helping his mother in the garden.

Yeah, it's no mystery that he's doing anything he can to get out of this type of work. So I had to come back to the pack house, which I did not want to do, to ask Gina to help out. I was taking the only office here and I had to say, I really didn't like the atmosphere here. Too dark. Too stifling. My office at my own home was too small to use for this task, not to mention that my desk was too small and I would need to be way closer to Gina than I'd like to. The only thing I liked about this office is that the desk was huge.

On top of all the things I didn't like about the office, I had to work with Gina. I hated that the most, even more than not working in my own airy office.

She had been asking about Mason for the last hour in the most passive way she could. I guess she had a little crush.

Cris had been pacing around in my head, growling under her breath the entire time we've been here, pretty hostile but feeling superior since we were the ones that had Mason.

As for me, I was just annoyed. I mean, I knew that a massive amount of girls have had Mason. There's probably quite a few that are fantasizing/ having a crush on him as well.

Something about the passive aggressive approach that Gina had just put me on guard.

"Is that so?" I asked rhetorically, trying to give her the hint, for the millionth time, that I wasn't going to encourage her crush.

She sighed, putting down an expense report, and faced me directly.

Cris only growled louder. It put me on guard.

I didn't bother facing her. I didn't want to interact with her in any way, if I could help it.

"Aren't you his best friend?" she asked innocently, "I mean, I know you guys never got together but I assumed you'd stay in touch, even with you shacking up with the alpha here".

The implications were clear. Passive aggressive. Making me face the fact that yes, I had an obligation to my pack to be with Dean and so could not be with Mason on two levels. My failed history with him, because he's a stalwart player, and because I've essentially been promised to another.

I had to grit my teeth to keep from snapping at her.

"Gina, I would really appreciate if you could do your job. I'm buried in work and you're sole purpose here is to lighten the load. So I advise you stop with the pestering if you want to continue having a roof over your head" I said, though I admit I was gritting my teeth. The slightest smirk curled her lips and she turned back to her work.

We need to appoint another assistant as soon as possible, Cris growled.

I couldn't agree more.


"Ooh, I like that" I groaned into the bedsheets. Dean rubbed a little harder on my lower back. I could say that I hated one more thing in that gloomy office.

The freaking chair.

"Dinner is gonna be ready soon. You think your stomach can handle it?" Mason stepped through the door, eying me critically.

I sighed. To be honest, I wasn't entirely sure. Everything was freaking making me sick. I had a serious stomach problem.

Maybe it's a tumor or something, Cris mumbled.

I rolled my eyes. That wasn't even possible.

Was it?

I got up on my knees and bent back until my back cracked.

"Okay, let's go see if I can eat" I said wearily. Both boys watched me with a keen eye.

I rolled my own. Honestly, these two were being ridiculous. I hadn't tossed my cookies in nearly a day! And I even dealt with Gina today.

I should be fine.

I smelled the soup before I even got to the kitchen. Something with chicken, which was admittedly my favorite. It would have been soothing. It should have made me smile at how sweet Mason was being lately.

Instead, I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

"I think it's time we see Rachel" Dean said, the sound muffled because his hand was firmly over his face.

Yeah, it's probably around that time. We don't wanna die from some radioactive tumor or anything. Cris said.

I groaned into the toilet bowl.

I hated going to see Rachel. But I guess I wasn't getting a choice.


Okay, so this is only like a page and had barely any content. It's just to set up the more serious chapters I have in store. There shall be intrigue, death, and almost death.

But, seriously, I'm starting to get back in the hang of writing so give me more of your amazing patience. I swear to all that is holy that I will upload more often, if only in these little short burst. I can't concentrate for shit so I'm going to force myself to write every day. Hopefully, that'll help. Summer is wrecking me in more ways than one.

Anyways, I hope you likedthis mini me, pseudo chapter.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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