Chapter Sixteen

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Mason's POV

She was giggling as she ran from me, her laughter filling the room and making me want to hold her but I was supposed to be angry right now. At least I thought so. She had hit her heat around one in the morning and she woke me up right away with an attempted blowy. I gotta tell you, if she were sane right now there wouldn't be a chance in hell of me stopping her. Now though, that she's all lust crazy, I couldn't bring myself to even touch her. I don't know what I was going to do with her now. My resistance is wearing way too thin to be able to touch her like I did last time and not jump her like some horny animal. I couldn't possibly be trusted alone with her. I mean, come on. I'm a teenage guy and I've had her constant teasing for far too long. I was going to leave her alone and hope for the best. But she wouldn't give me my shoes. She was only in her panties and bra, having taken off her sweats hours ago, saying that she was hot. I had been trying to get her to take a shower, hoping she'd take matters in her hands, literally, and I could sneak away. It didn't really happen that way. Now I had no shoes and an excellent view of her ass as she ran. I was in trouble. I was just about to give up when the doorbell rang. She grinned and wiggled her eyebrows at me.

“How much you wanna bet it's that hot FedEx guy Hunky?” she ran off to the stairs. I put my head in my hands. She was simply too much for me to handle and try to tame by myself. It was akin to trying to hold down a tornado or maybe trying to hold water. I ran off downstairs just in case it was Hunky. That guy dripped sex and I knew it wouldn't take much to convince him inside. I sighed and ran down the stairs in a hurry, trying to prevent my bestfriend and love from making a mistake she would regret when fully sane. I got downstairs and what do I find? That stupid annoying Alpha making out with my Lottie. I growled, ripping her from his arms. He looked suitably surprised. Lottie didn't struggle much. Instead she purred and rubbed against me. Dean rubbed his head.

“Let me guess. She has her heat” he sighed.

“What gave it away?” I said sarcastically, trying to hold her still. She arched in my arms, and put her arms around my neck, grounding her ass into my hips. I made a choked sound.

“Oh nothing” he said right back, taking her and throwing her over his shoulder. She giggled and wiggled her butt. I narrowed my eyes and watched him suspiciously.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him, crossing my arms. He looked surprised.

“I'm here because I figured she had her heat already. I was right. Now, what are you doing here?” his tone was almost more accusing than mine. I raised my eyebrows.

“I'm her bestfriend. Have been since birth” I said defensively.

“How does that give you the right to be here when she's in heat?” he asked, starting to climb the stairs. I scrambled after him.

“What gives you the right to be here?” I asked back, having no good answer for the question he asked. He snorted.

“We're dating”

“No you're not” I denied, upset by the thought of my Lottie being with another man. Especially this stupid Alpha.

“Yes we are” he dumped her on her bed and went to stand by me, glower almost making me cower. Jealousy sang through my veins though, mixed with a healthy dose of anger so I was able to look him in the eyes with that buffer.

“No you're not!” I shouted. He almost seemed to grow in size as he prepared to yell at me and put me in my place but something made us both freeze. It was a small whimper of pain. We both turned to the bed where Lottie had her back arched and her face was twisted with pain.

“Help me” she whispered in her husky voice and me and Derrick reacted the same way. I just didn't anticipate the Alpha dude reacting as well. We all rushed to her side, me not wanting to touch her out of fear that I wouldn't stop and him not touching her because he didn't know what to do.

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