Chapter Eight

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I was dressed in my nicest dress, watching the mate who rejected me marry another woman. Everyone was required to go, even me. To say it sucked would be a severe understatement. Mason was right by my side. I was okay, not experiencing any pain yet. At least, I wouldn't until he marked her. Then the pain would set in. Mason was already hitting the hard liquor, taking big gulps and not even wincing at the taste. I looked around. The really outdid themselves with the reception. It was set outside, and, with my grumpy mind, I wished for it to rain and end this misery. It wasn't in the cards. The sky stayed clear and light blue, a beautiful color that had me slouching in my seat. I hated this. Mason picked up my mood and offered me his glass of whatever he was drinking. I took it from him gladly. If I was staying here, I wasn't going to do it sober. His eyes widened when I tilted it to my mouth and drained it in smooth gulps, not so much as making a face. I handed him the empty glass.

“Damn girl! When did you become such a drinker?” he asked, looking at the glass. I shrugged

“I'm making my best effort at becoming a drunk in honor of this lovely occasion. Now, be a dear and get me another drink” I said, waving him off. He did, giving me a mystified look. I put my head in my hands. I was going to try and go into a drunken stupor. Maybe when the pain comes of his marking her, the alcohol would numb the pain. I know, it wasn't a smart move but can you blame me? I had already taken a mountain of crap because of Jake, I didn't want to endure more unnecessary pain. Of course, just this much was painful. No, I didn't love Jacob. It still hurt to watch him marry a hoe when he belonged with me. Call it jealousy at his happy ending when I didn't have anyone. He's getting married and all that and I didn't even have a single date to my name. It was embarrassing and plain pathetic. I counted my lucky stars that I didn't love Jake. That would make this whole ordeal make me look more pathetic. And Cindy would gain eternal satisfaction at taking away the man I loved. Screw that. I didn't need him. I didn't need anyone. Trusting people only caused me pain. Mason came back with my drink, giving it to me even though his expression clearly said that he didn't think it was a good idea. I didn't drink it right away, instead cradling it in my hands. Mason and I were seated at the table closest to the table were the happy couple were located, a deliberate action on Cindy's part, I'm sure. I had a front row seat to every sweet kiss they shared, every whisper, every giggle. Even as I thought it, Cindy giggled at something Jake said and she gave a faint blush. I snorted. What an act. She was the biggest hoe of the century and she's trying to act innocent. My fingers itched to wrap around her skinny throat. I held back. I was getting the impression that Mason wasn't having the time of his life either. He was slumped over, staring at the couple's table. I looked at what he was staring at. Cindy. Of course. She was his mate. I tried to see her through his eyes. I guess she was beautiful. Her dress was hideously expensive, her hair done up in the most intricate hairstyle I've ever seen, skin glowing with the satisfaction that comes from completing a long term goal. Her dress was gorgeous though. I'll give her that. The corset on top was inlaid with hundreds of tiny, little crystals that must itch like hell but that were beautiful and shone like diamonds in proper light. The bottom flared out at her hips, a silk bell with embroidery of roses mixed with intricate patterns. I was definitely jealous. Back to Mason. He apparently couldn't keep his eyes off that table. Did he still have feelings for her? The thought depressed me more than anything in the world. Did something go wrong with his rejection like something went wrong with mine? Did he lust after her? It was that thought that made me swallow the hard liquid in my glass in one smooth move. This was going to be a long night.

“Lovely ceremony” I commented to him. He snorted and leaned back.

“Right. Lovely my ass” he muttered, giving me a 'what the hell?' look. I smiled. There he was.

“When can we leave?” I asked him

“About fifteen minutes. After this, do you want to go to your favorite restaurant? I think you need to be cheered up” he said, looking at me with concern

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