Chapter Three

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There you go. This is the only one I'm going to upload this weekend, consider yourselves lucky that this is the story that tugged at my writer side enough to make me write. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go do a buttload of homework. COMMENT! VOTE! FAN!

I woke up next to Lottie. She was snoring softly, her full lips opening and closing. She looked beautiful, she always did. I can't describe the feeling of contentment and happiness when I wake next to her. It always feels right. For years I've stayed over at her house because she would get scared or lonely. This time, I stayed over because of her heat. Three days. For three days Lottie was in heat. Three days of constant begging for me to have her, three days of having to satisfy her so that her wolf wouldn't run off for some other guy to do the job; a guy who wouldn't hesitate in giving her what she was begging for. We even had to tie her wrists to her bedpost because she got almost violent in getting what she needed if we weren't giving it to her and we did need to eat eventually. Three days of seeing her writhe on her bed and moan my name day in and day out. It was an exhausting exercise in control. We managed it though. Currently she was asleep in her room, bound to the bed. I knew why she was in heat for so long, though I didn't like to admit it. We weren't her fate-chosen mates so we couldn't completely stop her heat. She'd have it every month from now on but instead of having it for a day, like wolves with mates, she'd have it for longer. She wasn't herself. She was this hungry, wanting thing that was most definitely not my Lottie. Not even her wolf was this bad. I sat down in the stool that I always ate in. I was weary of yet another day of the unbearable temptation. I couldn't give in, couldn't do that to Lottie. I knew she'd hate me for it. I was sure she didn't even see me that way. She always goes for those artsy type guys. They're the ones she dates, though to my knowledge it's never serious and it lasts only a couple weeks. Still, she'd never go for the dumb jock type like me. My train of thought was interrupted by a loud, shrill scream. I bolted out of my chair and ran to Lottie. She was pulling at the restraints and screaming. She was covered with a sheet, I had done that, not wanting to see her naked and making it harder on myself.

“Mason! Help me!” she said, relief coloring her tone when she saw me. I bent over and untied her. She sat up and rubbed her wrists, even though I always made sure the rope was tied loose. She stood up and hugged me, seemingly not aware that she was naked. She let me go and tied her up in a ponytail, hating to have it hang in her face.

“What the hell happened?” she asked, facing me. I tried, God did I try, to keep my eyes on her angel face but I failed miserably

Do you think she even remembers anything?, Derrick asked, voice showing the distraction caused by the same thing that kept my eyes prisoner.

I don't know. Cindy didn't,

Don't even talk about her, Derrick said sharply

Right, I winced. It was still a touchy subject with Derrick, even though Cindy was a huge bitch and I didn't love her like I loved someone else.

“Mason? What the hell happened? Why was I tied to the bed?” she said, hands going to tug at her shirt, a nervous habit she's had for years. When she noticed she didn't have a shirt, she looked down and screamed again. She ran to the sheet and wrapped it around her.

“Why the fuck am I naked?!” she shrieked, wrapping the sheet around her like a halter dress.

“Um, Lottie you might want to sit down for this” I said, putting my hands up in a calm down gesture.

How much should we tell her? I really don't think she remembers anything, I asked Derrick

I don't know man. Figure it out, he replied, putting his nose in his paws

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