Chapter One

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I had woken up an hour earlier and it was around five o clock. I had been painting. It was a painting of Mason, my bestfriend, as an Egyptian Prince. A golden crown was set atop his red hair, heavy black marks around his emerald green eyes, and his nicely toned body was on display because the only thing he was wearing was what he would call a skirt. I wanted to get it ready for his birthday last year but it didn't come out the way I wanted it to so I figure I'll just give it to him for the next holiday that comes along. I was excited because my birthday is tomorrow and neither I nor my wolf could stay still. Tomorrow is the day I will have heat for the very first time and also the time I am most likely to find my mate. He won't be able to resist finding me. His wolf will just go insane to find my wolf, who'll be in heat and needy for a man's touch. The only problem with that is that my wolf will literally go for anyone though only our mate can fully satisfy us. It'll be the most painful experience of my life if my mate doesn't find me. I would just stay in heat since not too many people would be willing to sexually satisfy my wolf. It doesn't matter, I can't wait for tomorrow. I look over the painting one more time. I used the only expensive paint I have, royal colors that couldn't be brighter. Mason was going to love it. I stretch and yawn. Might as well get ready for school. I carefully cover every painting with a long white sheet and go to the bathroom for a shower. I get dressed in some old jeans and one of Mason's old sweatshirts since it was cold outside. I was just finishing with my hair when Mason barged in. The door slammed and he quickly came in and looked around in expectation. I put my hands on my hips.

"Mason, if I say that you can't see my painting unless they're uncovered, what makes you think I would leave them uncovered when I clearly don't want you to see them yet?" I rolled my eyes

"You take too long with them. I just want to see them and you won't let me cause you suck" he pouted before slightly lifting the sheet of the painting I was just working on.

"Nice try buddy" I slapped his hand

"Stop obsessing with them. They don't have to be perfect, you know. You could at least show me the one you started like a year ago" Mason whined as we went downstairs

"They have to be perfect in my eyes" I grabbed a granola bar and dipped it in Nutella (A/N Just tried this stuff for the first time, it's awesome) before getting my bag and dragging Mason out of the house. We got in his car and he grumbled a little more before starting it.

"Are you excited about tomorrow?" Mason asked, facing me when we hit a red light

"Of course I am. I finally get to have my mate"

"It's not always a sure thing" he said sharply. I winced inwardly. Mason found his mate last year. It was Cindy, head cheerleader and most popular girl in school. We had always hated her and the rest of the 'it' group but Mason was willing to make it work. She publicly and officially rejected him as her mate about a day after she found out. I felt sorry for Mason, he got a bitch (literally!) as a mate. A chick who only wanted wealth and power. That's why she was with the Alpha's son, Jacob. She figures 'hey why not reject my mate so that I could be the next Alpha female?'. Mason was crushed. You might be wondering if she was still in heat. After all, you don't really stop until you've been satisfied by your mate so since she denounced Mason, is she still in heat? The answer is no. From what I understand, she used him to get rid of it and then she rejected him. I just don't know what she'll do next year when the heat comes again. All I have to say about that is 'Good luck getting Mason to get rid of it for you, Cindy. You will need it'. Their bond was completely destroyed, he literally has no positive feelings for her now. He hates her and wouldn't touch her for the world. We pulled up to the school and he got out in a hurry. He's always been the most easy going person I've ever known but lately he's been tense and distant. Maybe it's because my birthday is tomorrow and my wolf is sending out the 'nail me' signals. Still, that should only affect wolves that are already attracted to me. I thought about it a little longer before shaking my head. It's not worth being late to figure this out so I run off to first period.

The day was boring, even if it is an all werewolf school. I fell asleep during math and my two free periods and I didn't even pay attention to anything that went on all day. You'd think it's be more interesting, all werewolves in one school, but it's really not. It's just the same useless crap only slightly altered to fit our culture and history. I hurry back to Mason's car. He had football practice, I had to stay at the library while he finished up so it was pretty late. Almost seven by the time we got home. I yawn and face Mason when he stops the car.

"You want to come in, Mase?" my wolf made just about everything I said today suggestive, using a husky voice that was almost a purr.

It's not my fault!, My wolf whined, rolling around on the floor of my mind in mindless frustration

No, it's not but I'm still blaming your wolf butt, I told her

"No" Mason's voice, tense and borderline frustrated, interrupted my talking to my wolf spirit

"Are you sure?" I purred, rubbing my hand down his thigh, hardly noticing I was doing it

"Okay that's it" he stepped out of the car. I blinked in shock. He showed up on my side of the door and bent down so he could see me

"Look, I don't think I'm going to be able to see you tomorrow so let me give you your birthday hug" he held out his arms, arms that have held me through the best and worst in life.

"Okay" I drew it out a little and, again, it came out different than I intended it to. Mase put his arms around me. I enjoyed his warmth greatly until he quickly pulled away.

"Bye, Lottie. Happy birthday" he gave me a little side hug before he got in his car and left.

What's his problem?, My wolf asked, shocked as I was by his abrupt departure

I don't know, I said back, still staring at the driveway where his car had been.

I go inside and drop my bag on the floor. I figure I should still be able to go to school tomorrow. Normally I wouldn't but the school board threatens to expel me almost daily from my not going to school about every other day. If I miss another day of school, I honestly have no idea what they would do to me. Besides, very few wolves would see a chubby, plain girl with no personality as attractive. They wouldn't be effected by the heat. It was late, like I said, so I just went into the kitchen to quickly make something to eat. The kitchen was small with an island counter and small appliances that only I use. My brother is my legal guardian but he only visits, he doesn't even live here. He is happily married to his high school sweetheart and they live about twenty minutes from here. He knows that I can take care of myself so he only comes over when I run out of money. I have a job at Mc. Donalds that brings in enough money to go grocery shopping and some bills (the rest are covered by my brother) but not much else. I don't have the luxury of going to the mall and buying new clothes (my only side expense is paint, canvas, and new brushes when the old ones wear out) so I just wear some of my brother's old stuff and things Mason outgrows. When I get tired of wearing boy clothes I go through my mom's closet to find something I can fit into. She was a slender woman so not many things fit. I look through the fridge and decide to make some instant soup. The type where you only put it in a bowl and heat it up in the microwave. After that I go upstairs, my footsteps echoing in my parent's empty, old house. It's around nine so I just skip my nightly routine of painting until I feel ready to fall asleep on whatever I'm painting and just drop into bed, not looking forward to midnight when the heat would hit. It was going to be a very unpleasant experience, if all the stories I heard about it are true. My only hope is that my mate finds me soon.

I wake up in cold sweat. It's about three minutes to midnight. My wolf was up and whining pathetically, her little nose in her paws, not wanting to go through with what was about to happen.

I can feel it coming, she whined

I know, I said, feeling hotter by the second. At exactly twelve, it hit. My back arched off the bed and a growl made it's way from my throat.

Hope you liked it! :) Next upload will be the weekend (hopefully)

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