Chapter Twenty-Six

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DEDICATED TO Ponycorns_147. There's a note for you at the very end :)


I was almost positive that something fishy was going on.

The evidence was piling up.

I noticed a couple things this morning when I went out with Dean to see the land. For one thing, no one wore shoes. And another thing, not one square inch was bare. There were flowers and bright green grass blooming literally everywhere. I couldn't believe my eyes.

It was gorgeous.

Gorgeous but it made me uneasy. There had to be a reason that these people all had green thumbs. There just had to be.

I could kinda understand why shoes were prohibited. Without shoes, we could feel the earth beneath our feet. I'd never felt so connected to my surroundings, which was just weird because I was in a foreign land.

It was a pretty big deal for us. Wolves didn't change territory very often. In fact, it was almost unheard of.

But I was noticing something about my pack. They should all still be uneasy. But they weren't. In fact, they were almost relaxed. They walked around barefoot on this land as if they had been living here all their lives.

I was getting creeped out by that. Enough so that I hadn't allowed myself to become comfortable. I couldn't. Not when everything felt slightly off.

“Are you alright?” Dean asked me, laying beside me on the grass.

We were out on the second most beautiful clearing I've ever seen. The trees looked like they were in a perfect circle, though I knew that such a thing is impossible. The flowers were abundant and fragrant, yet they didn't overpower the picture.

I didn't like it.

“Yes” I answered Dean tonelessly.

My spidey senses were going wild. That plus the overall stress was really kicking my butt. I still can't sleep and it was hitting me hard. I worked tirelessly on building the houses. I was pretty strong, especially with my cool alpha powers so the manual work was easy for me. In fact, we were almost done getting everyone settled.

But something still seemed weird and I didn't like it. It only made me more tense.

Not even Mason's magic fingers worked on me.

Dean sat up, looking about as concerned as I've ever seen him.

“I know something's wrong. Please tell me” he gave my cheek a gentle caress. I turned the other way, biting my lip. I wasn't sure that I should tell him about any of my suspicions. How well did I know him, really? Sure, he marked me but that didn't make him trust worthy. It was quite the contrary.

So why should I tell him anything about my unease towards his pack?

“Maybe later” I sighed, getting up. I wasn't in the mood for anything. I just wanted to lay down and have a nice, long, nap but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. In all reality, I should be helping my pack build another house. We only had about three left, not including my own. But I didn't want to. I just couldn't bear being around Dean's pack. They had an alien feel to them that I didn't like. Instinctively, I knew they were different somehow.

Dean didn't follow me. He knew better than that but I felt his hurt pulsing right next to my heart. He didn't like that I didn't trust him enough to tell him what was bothering me but I didn't feel I had a choice.

What if he was dangerous in some way? What if I wasn't supposed to know that he wasn't a regular wolf?

Isn't paranoia a symptom of insomnia?

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