Chapter 5 - Dalia

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Chapter 5

POV: Dalia (District 11)


All afternoon, I feel like I'm dreaming. I mean, I've had nightmares of being Reaped before - haven't we all? The first year I was in the Reaping Bowl, I had a dream that I was in the Arena. I was running from something, and I couldn't tell what I was running from until it jumped out of the shadows at me - a rabid lion muttation. I died in that dream. District 11 is a very superstitious place, and I think it was no coincidence that my brother was Reaped the day after.

My brother's death was the first step down a very steep path. My father was arrested the next year after drunkenly lighting an administrative building on fire, and after his death I was alone. My mother died long before I knew her. I live with my grandmother now. Or at least, I did before this morning.

It's only once I say goodbye to my grandma that everything snaps into focus. I'm not dreaming - this is real life. I'm about to enter an Arena where I'll fight for my life, and the odds are that I won't make it out.

"Fight your hardest," she begs me. "For me. You're incredibly talented, Dalia. Just don't give up."

I can see the pain in her eyes. She's lost everyone; I was all she had left.

All I do is cry. I barely have time to tell her that I love her. I don't even get to thank her for taking care of me for all these years. She's practically dragged out of the room by Peacekeepers, and I'm removed from the room soon after.

I can't help but feel like hope is lost. You know how the old District 11 sayings go. Death always comes in pairs. I can't help but think of my brother. If he couldn't make it out of the Arena against 23 competitors, what hope do I have to outmatch 35 of them?


The night after we depart District 11, we're called inside in the spacious District 11 train car, and all the District 11 personnel are present as we enjoy what Jubilee calls a feast, but is more of a buffet that could feed all of District 11. It's more food than I've seen in one place in my life, and I'm one of the better-off citizens of the District. I'm seated between the other two girls, Nia and Angelica. Nia is very quiet, but we have a mutual respect for each other. I've known Angelica more closely back in District 11 than Nia - she's definitely a hotheaded one, and that's gotten her in trouble before. I'll be sure to stay away from her.

Across from us sits Jubilee, our peppy Capitol escort, along with the three mentors this year. We weren't told who they were going to be, but I'm happy to see three of our best Victors sitting across from us.

"Well, it's about time I assigned you all to your mentors," Jubilee says, breaking us from our focus on the delicious food. I glance up from my plate, interested. I'm smart enough to know that a tributes' mentor is very important in the Games. An incompetent mentor can practically kill a perfectly skilled tribute.

"Nia, you'll be with Wolfgang," Jubilee begins. I see Nia offering a shy smile to one of the mentors. He's the youngest of the District 11 mentors, sharply dressed and well put-together. I vaguely remember his Victory from when I was younger.

"Angelica, you'll be with Jackson," she continues. I don't know much about Jackson, but he's massive, towering above almost anyone else around him. He looks like he means business, only offering Angelica a small nod. He also looks like he'd rather be anywhere else. I think we all would, except Jubilee probably.

"And that leaves Dalia with Jordinia," Jubilee tells me. I smile, meeting the gaze of the middle-aged, dark-skinned woman across from me. Jordinia is the most respected Victor in District 11. Apparently, when she won she was not expected to win, but she proved herself in the Arena. In District 11, she's well-known for establishing the main orphanage and childcare service for the District's abandoned children. She's been through a life of unimaginable pain - she looks sorrowful yet wise, and one of her eyes is disfigured. I know that with her guidance, I can go far.

At the end of the night, I head to the car where my bed is for the night. Of course, I can't sleep. I can't believe that just a day ago, I was laying in my bed at home, thinking about which dress I would wear to the Reaping. Everything seems so trivial when you're being primed for your death.

After trying to sleep for about an hour, I give up, turning on the monitor in the room. The only station available is a recap of the Reapings, so I watch through it to see my competition.

The other tributes look like they're going to be tough competition. I watch as the District 1 tributes join hands on-stage as the crowd in front of them cheers loudly. I feel a chill go down my spine as I see them. They've been training for this their whole lives; one of the girls is even named Victoria, meaning her parents meant for her to be the Victor since she was born. Meanwhile, I'm just a girl from District 11 who happened to have my life ripped from my grasp. I feel despair claw at my heart. What am I going to do?

The District 2 tributes are next in the recap. There are two boys and a girl. The boys don't look too intimidating; one of them even looks a bit scrawny. I think if I was to fight them in a balanced and fair fight, I could manage to win. The girl, on the other hand, is a different story. Ross says that her name is Ada. I can tell she's going to be a scary one. She refuses to acknowledge anyone after volunteering, even ignoring her District partners. There seems to be something slightly off about her. She may have some mental issues, something that probably makes her even more dangerous.

As the District 3 Reaping plays, the door to my car opens and Nia's head pops in.

"Hey," she says nervously. "Just checking if you were still up."

I smile at her. "Couldn't sleep. I'm watching the Reaping recaps, want to join?"

Nia quietly nods, sitting down next to me as District 4 plays. It's the most dramatic one yet - Roman Murdock, the winner from last year, has his brother pulled from the bowl. There's also a young boy who volunteers for his sister. The third tribute is a girl who has a youthful but intelligent look to her.

The Reapings continue, each District offering three tributes. By the time they reach District 11, I've drifted to sleep.


Well, there's Dalia! One of my favorites for sure. What are your thoughts on Angelica and Nia? What about the three District 11 mentors? Do you think Jordinia's painful past will make her a useful ally or a burden for Dalia?

Thanks again for reading, and I'll see you in the next one ;)


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