Chapter 6 - Nia

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Chapter 6

POV: Nia (District 11)


The elevator makes a dinging sound as it stops. My knees feel week, and I stumble a bit as I step out of the small metal container. I've never seen one before, and Jubilee seemed appalled when I asked. The contraption definitely costs more than my family's entire home back in 11.

"Welcome to the District 11 suite!" Jubilee coos. "Only the best for our tributes."

I look around in wonder, unable to hide my amazement. The room is so wonderfully decorated, my eyes don't know where to look. Following the District 11 theme, there seem to be trees and plants growing out of the ground and the walls, but they are all made of gold.

"You should all get some rest. Tomorrow you'll meet with your stylists for the parade," Jubilee continues.

I'm barely able to say goodbye to Dalia or Angelica before I'm quickly whisked away to my bedroom. I sit carefully on the bed, and it's so soft I have to steady myself as I sink deep into the mattress. Wolfgang stands silently in the doorway until I look up, spotting him. He's a man of few words, but I'm the same way. I'm glad I got assigned to him.

"You'd better get a good night's sleep," he advises. "It gets tougher from here."

I nod as I take in my bedroom, which is just as fancy as the common room.

"Sounds good," I reply. "I'll see you all in the morning."

"Alright then, stay safe. We'll talk tactics for the Games after the parade."

I nod again as Wolfgang closes the door. I rest my head on the pillow of my bed, sighing in comfort. I'm quite exhausted, but I still think a bit about the Games before I drift off to sleep.

I think Dalia likes me. I can use her as an ally to the advantage of both of us. Despite the despair of my situation, I still have hope. I may not be the loudest or most charismatic tribute, but that doesn't mean I don't have a chance, especially with Dalia at my side.


I'm woken up early for the parade preparations. Jubilee directs me to the styling room, where my styling team prepares me. My stylist is a very odd man. He mumbles his name to me, and when I ask him to repeat it, he looks at me as if I've committed a horrible crime. I find it ironic how something like that could be so offensive to him, yet the act of forcing teenagers to fight to the death is not seen the same way.

I sigh as I'm fitted into a dress. Of course they gave us dresses, since all three of us are girls. I hate dresses - they make my legs feel so exposed. I've only ever owned one, which was my Reaping outfit as a kid before I outgrew it. After that one, I insisted on wearing pants, which my parents agreed to, as it was cheaper anyway.

My dress is quite soft, though, so it'll do for now. It's a lavender color. It doesn't have much to do with 11, and I'm confused why there's no denim. Usually, denim is the District 11 stylists' go-to, even though it's not particularly popular in the actual District. Tying off the look, though, is a wreath of gold branches placed atop my head. I suppose that's closer to District 11's theme.

Jubilee meets me outside my room, where she brings me to the chariots. I can already hear the crowd screaming from the stands. It seems odd that so many rich and famous people would be gathered here to see us. We're just ordinary kids from poor Districts. I guess they're mostly here to see the Careers and the most skilled tributes rather than me.

I pass by the Career chariots first. One of them is in a gladiator theme, but I don't stop to check which one. I don't want to make eye contact with any of them - the less I'm a target to them, the better. I do look up at the District 4 float, where the brother of last year's Victor is standing with his District partners. They're in flowing blue outfits with gold hints. Their stylists outdid themselves this year. I think the girl's gown is animated to look like waves, but I'm dragged along too quickly to check.

The District 8 girls are wearing all-black dresses as I see them climb the District 8 carriage. As I pass District 9's carriage, I see that they're dressed in denim overalls with straw hats. I guess that's why we're not in denim this year.

I finally climb into my carriage, where Dalia and Angelica are already seated. They're also in beautiful dresses, but of different colors. Already, the carriages are beginning to move. The crowd begins to cheer even louder. I glance back to see the three District 12 tributes. They're all tiny in size, and are glancing around nervously. I'd hate to be them, since I'm sure none of them stand a chance in the Arena.

As the carriages begin to pull down the city drive, I'm able to watch the procession on a nearby monitor. District 1 is first, and they're dressed in very luxurious outfits covered in shiny gems, along with crowns featuring different gemstones. The tributes look up at Snow with grins on their faces, basking in the attention. I have to look away as our horses break into a trot, and after a few seconds, we enter the drive as well. We're surrounded on both sides by screaming Capitol citizens. Many of them throw roses on the ground around us. Since we're at the end of the procession, the walkway is already littered with flowers, along with the occasional shoe or drink glass. I even think I spot a wig on the ground as we speed down the drive.

Despite my shy nature, I force myself to at least smile at the crowd to show that I'm not weak, that I can do this. Dalia does most of the work, offering smiles and waves to Capitol fans as we pass. Angelica also waves confidently, so I raise my hand to wave as well.

We pull into the circle at the end of the road behind District 8, whose black dresses are now shifting from one color to another. As the horses settle, Snow steps up to a pedestal.

"Tributes, I welcome you to the Capitol!" he cries.

The audience screams in excitement.

"This Quarter Quell will certainly be one to remember. This will be my second Quarter Quell as President of Panem, and as many of us remember, our Fourth Quarter Quell was a great success. I understand that our Head Gamemaker, Vispania Callendew, has outdone herself this year. This will be her seventh year in the position; I understand she will put her experience to good use.

The crowd cheers very loudly at the mention of Vispania's name. She is a confident-looking Capitol woman in her thirties, and she's easy to spot with her bright green hair. She waves to the crowd.

"Tributes, may the odds be ever in your favor. Let the 125th Games begin!" Snow says as the carriages begin to pull away.


The Parade!! One of my favorite parts of the Hunger Games festivities. I hope you enjoyed Nia's recount of it. Now is when the Games get real for the tributes.


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