Chapter 36 - Indigo

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^Indigo Laquette, District 4's Capitol escort.


Chapter 36

POV: Indigo Laquette (Capitol)

Time: Day 9

Tributes Remaining: 15


I push Alodia out of the way as she stands in the way of the monitor. I'm watching the Games intently. The Gamemakers did an exquisite job with the Arena - it's one of the best I've ever seen.

Don't get me wrong, I love having the job of a Capitol escort for the Games. It's been my dream since I was a little girl. However, every job has its downfalls, and one is that I sometimes have to miss important events during the Games.

I'm in a dressing room right now, trying to touch up my makeup before I'm called on-stage. All of us Capitol escorts are going to be interviewed about our tributes before the Feast, which is scheduled to happen any day now.

I'm with Alodia Sterlingshire, the escort for District 8. She's my best friend, even outside of the workplace, so we often get ready in each others' dressing rooms.

"It's starting," I say, putting a hand on her shoulder. She stops styling her hair for a moment, glancing at the monitor.

We stand silently as we watch Tanner and Victoria, two of my favorite tributes, pause before running away from something. According to Vispania, the first two Arena Events were based on earth and fire, so this one will be based on air, while the last is based on water. Each event is set three days apart, with the vine attack occurring on the third day, and because today is the ninth day of the Games, it is time for the third event.

Alodia and I let out a collective gasp as we see today's Arena Event. It's beautiful. We watch as some sort of gas begins to cover the Arena in a sheet of gold. Everything the gas touches - rocks, trees, grass - turns to gold. It's stunning.

"Vispania's outdone herself once again," Alodia sighs. "A true talent, that woman."

The camera changes to show the girl from District 5. Alodia thinks the two District partners are secretly dating, but the tributes denied it in their interviews, which oddly made the rumors even more popular.

"Carlo!" the girl shouts, sprinting toward the cave where the boy is laying.

Persephone rips the vines from the mouth of the cave, panting. "Everything is turning to gold, I think it's the next Arena trick!" she tells the boy.

"I forgot we were in the danger zone..." he replies quietly.

"Speak up, boy," I mutter. I can't stand tributes that mumble in the Arena. The Arena cameras can barely pick up what they're saying, and what's the point in that?

"We have to go, now!" the girl cries, trying to lift Carlo up from the ground. He just screams in pain.

"Stop!" he yells. Persephone drops him, panting.

"I can't run, you have to go!" Carlo says.

I gasp, and Alodia sets down her makeup to watch the drama unfold. What are the lovers going to do?

"I am never giving up on you," the girl says. "Let's go."

"Seffie, you need to go now. I can't run but you can. One of us had to die eventually, it makes it easier for both of us. You can still win."

Persephone covers her face in her hands. I can already tell this scene is going to play in all the recaps this year. I'm sure the sponsors are raining in for the girl right now.

"It wasn't supposed to end this way," she sobs.

"It's okay," the boy comforts her. "Give me a hug and get out of here."

Persephone leans down and they begin to whisper to each other. Once again, I curse the Capitol cameras. They need to design microphones powerful enough to pick up on whispers.

"I love you too," I can barely hear the boy say, and Alodia swoons. "You need to go now. Please win for me, Seffie."

"I will," the girl says before running away.

Alodia and I both sigh at the sound of the cannon shot.

"They were smart, I'll give it to them," I say. I wish Soren or Lacie were this dramatic for the cameras. "Pass the powder, dear."

Alodia passes me the container of makeup, her eyes glued to the monitor. "I'm happy for Laurentia, of course," she says, talking about District 5's escort. "What a memorable pair. You know, I've tried to get tributes like that for years..."

"It does wonders for sponsorships," I interject.

"... But I can never seem to get anywhere! District 8 never has anything to offer anyone," she complains. "I mean, you saw last year with the two I had."

I laugh in response. Alodia's tributes both died in the Bloodbath and she was almost fired as a result. Both barely said a word in their Interviews either.

"You can laugh all you want, missy, but you're fresh off a win last year. I could get demoted."

"You can't go much lower than 8!" I joke. "Maybe 12?"

We chuckle to each other. I know Alodia isn't going anywhere - her father is a higher-up in Snow's government administration, and she would never get fired.

I tune back into the broadcast, where Ross is talking about the Arena event. "And it looks like Persephone's sponsors have boosted her 10 points on our charts..." he says. Alodia and I look at each other knowingly.

"Well, there you go," I say. She nods.

A knock on the dressing room door interrupts our gossiping. "Alodia, you're on in ten," a producer calls from the hallway. She's going to be interviewed by Ross about her tribute, Rose, who is still alive.

"Coming!" Alodia calls, adjusting her dress.


Indigo's one of my favorite characters! Even though she has a twisted set of Capitol morals, she's always bubbly and warm.

Thoughts on Carlo's death? What do you think is going to happen to Seffie now that she's alone?

See you in the next one!


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