Chapter 10 - Orion

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Chapter 10

POV: Orion (District 2)


After the conclusion of the second day of Training, we head back to the District 2 suite, where the usual feast is held. There are five of us at the table. Across from me sits Fangs, my mentor, who's sporting both an eyepatch and a prosthetic leg, both gained after injuries in the Games. Next to him is Camilla, who's Murray's mentor. She has her long hair, dyed light-blue, tucked behind her ears. Her appearance pretty plain considering she comes from District 2, whose Victors are pretty eccentric. At the head of the table sits Divinia Marshall, our escort this year. She's nice enough despite how annoying she can be sometimes.

Divinia starts the conversation, her voice strained. Ada and her mentor, Titania, are notably absent from the table. "Well, Fangs, any news about alliances?"

Fangs nods his head. His voice is scratchy as he speaks, probably from all the cigars he smokes. "I got word back from Cressa. Soren said no to our offer. Although I don't know if it was him doing the decision-making."

My heart drops a bit. Ada is clearly making things difficult with the Careers, and asking Soren and Lacie from District 4 was a way out for Murray and me if things went South.

"You think Cressa did it?" Murray asks the mentors.

Camilla shakes her head. "The girl. Lacie. She's incredibly smart. Probably saw through the plan immediately."

Murray and I sigh again, but we're interrupted by a woman with flowing red hair - Titania, Ada's mentor. She has a forlorn look on her face.

Divinia's face lights up as Titania enters. "Titania! Good news, I hope?"

Titania shakes her head. "She's a lost cause. Claims the District 10 boy is 'too filthy' to be with the alliance. She's refusing to ally with them now."

I catch Fangs and Camilla sharing a look.

"We'll need to go with Plan B then," Camilla advises. "You boys will have to separate from the others. We all know what happens when one District outnumbers the others in the pack. You'll be outnumbered three to two."

I nod reluctantly. Plan B seems like an even worse option without Soren's help. At least Murray's a good fighter. We've been close friends since the Reaping so I wouldn't mind being stuck with him in the Arena.

The group suddenly goes silent as Ada enters. I used to be afraid of her, especially when we trained together in District 2, but now I despise her. She's ruined my chances at being in the Career pack, and that's a mistake that could cost me my life. If she's going to overshadow Murray and me the way she is right now, she could at least do something to benefit us as well. She seems unwilling to do that, though.

"Ada, come join us!" Divinia coos sweetly.

Ada takes a seat across from me, between Fangs and Divinia.

"Is this cup mine?" she asks quietly, pointing to one of two glasses between her and Divinia.

"Yes, dear," Divinia answers, distracted by her plate of food.

As Divinia chuckles to Titania next to her, I watch Ada as she fills her cup with water from a nearby jug. As she sets the jug down, she flicks her hand to the side expertly, dropping a small object into another glass.

Now, I don't want to seem like the bad guy here. I won't lie - I did see Ada drop the object into the glass. It did cross my mind that it was poison. Did I say anything? No. What's the point of coming to the Capitol and going into the Arena if you aren't going to have some fun?

"Well, now that you are all here, let's review the schedule," Titania says.

I won't bore you with the details, but tomorrow is our last day of Training. It'll be followed by the Individual Assessments, which is very important for us as Careers, because it signifies how strong we are as competitors.

It's not long before I hear Divinia hacking away, barely able to breathe. Next to me, Murray looks scared speechless. I feel bad for leaving him in the dark.

Camilla leaps up, hitting Divinia on the back as she chokes. Fangs inspects her glass, intrigued.

"It's rat poison..." he says calmly. He doesn't look shocked by Divinia's poisoning either - I wonder if he saw Ada too.

"Call the medics up here. Quickly, please," he says to a nearby Avox.

All throughout the commotion, Ada uses her fork to pick at her food, disinterested in everything going on around her.



Our first Career POV! Even though he's not like Ada, a Career is still a Career.

Thoughts on the District 2 tributes and mentors we met? Do you think Ada will be punished for what she did to Divinia? Let me know your thoughts!


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